CHINESE RED OVERLAY GLASS SNUFF BOTTLEChinese red overlay glass snuff bottle, carved in relief to depict an elephant supporting a vase, glass stopper, 2.5"h....
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CHINESE INSIDE-PAINTED GLASS SNUFF BOTTLEChinese inside-painted glass snuff bottle, finely painted to depict the One Hundred Crane motif, inscribed, dated and signed, agate stopper , 3.75"h....
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CHINESE MULTI-COLOR OVERLAY WHITE GLASSSNUFF BOTTLE Chinese multi-color overlay white glass snuff bottle, carved in raised relief to depict a pair of ducks in a lotus pond, glass stopper, 2.875"h....
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CHINESE PEKING GLASS SNUFF BOTTLE ChinesePeking glass snuff bottle, 2.75"h....
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CHINESE PEKING GLASS SNUFF BOTTLE ChinesePeking glass snuff bottle, 2.5"h....
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CHINESE ROCK CRYSTAL SNUFF BOTTLE Chineserock crystal snuff bottle, the oval form bottle carved in the form of a melon, agate stopper, 2.25" h....
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CHINESE OVERLAY GLASS SNUFF BOTTLE Chineseoverlay glass snuff bottle, carved in relief to depict four butterflies and various blossoms on a translucent mustard yellow and brown spotted glass, turquoise glass stopper,...
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CHINESE INSIDE-PAINTED GLASS SNUFF BOTTLEChinese inside-painted glass snuff bottle, decorated on one side with a pair of turtles on a riverbank along with a lengthy inscription bearing a signature and two seals,...
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CHINESE INSIDE PAINTED GLASS SNUFF BOTTLEChinese inside painted glass snuff bottle, 2.875"h....
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CHINESE YELLOW GLASS SNUFF BOTTLE Chineseyellow glass snuff bottle, 3"h....
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CHINESE IMITATION ROCK CRYSTAL GLASSSNUFF BOTTLE Chinese imitation rock crystal glass snuff bottle, of rounded rectangular shape, the sloping shoulders flanked by a pair of lion mask and mock ring handles, all...
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CHINESE RED OVERLAY GLASS SNUFF BOTTLEChinese red overlay glass snuff bottle, of flattened circular form, carved in relief to depict fruiting gourd vines on an opaque white glass ground, jadeite stopper, 3" h....
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CHINESE RED OVERLAY GLASS SNUFF BOTTLEChinese red overlay glass snuff bottle, carved in relief to depict four chilong dragons on 'snow storm' glass, 2.5" h....
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CHINESE INSIDE-PAINTED GLASS SNUFF BOTTLEChinese inside-painted glass snuff bottle, delicately painted to a pair of birds perched on bamboo branches and another pair of birds surrounded by banana leaves and fruiting...
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CHINESE INSIDE-PAINTED IMITATION AGATEGLASS SNUFF BOTTLE Chinese inside-painted imitation agate glass snuff bottle, decorated on both sides with pair of ladies at leisure, glass stopper, 2.875" h....
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CHINESE RED OVERLAY GLASS SNUFF BOTTLEChinese red overlay glass snuff bottle, carved in relief to depict a trio of horse, water buffalo and deer in a fantastical landscape on "snow storm" glass, 2.625" h....
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CHINESE BLUE OVERLAY GLASS SNUFF BOTTLEChinese blue overlay glass snuff bottle, 2.5"h....
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CHINESE OVERLAY GLASS SNUFF BOTTLE Chineseoverlay glass snuff bottle, 2.25"h....
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CHINESE INSIDE-PAINTED GLASS SNUFF BOTTLEChinese inside-painted glass snuff bottle, signed Ma Shaoxuan, height 2.5"....
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CHINESE OVERLAY DECORATED YELLOW GLASSSNUFF BOTTLE Chinese overlay decorated yellow glass snuff bottle, the octagonal bottle decorated with a red-capped crane in flight to each side, height: 2"....
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CHINESE GREEN GLASS SNUFF BOTTLE Chinesegreen glass snuff bottle, height: 2.5"....
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JAPANESE AND CHINESE CARVINGS & OBJECTS,EX-MUSEUM 19th/20th c., (14) pieces, incl. a Chinese cricket cage, Chinese cloisonne match safe, Japanese mahogany writing box with ink stone set divided interior, Chinese...
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2 CHINESE GLASS SNUFF BOTTLES Chinese,a translucent glass snuff bottle with two facial mask carvings to either sides, without lid a grayish glass bottle with green moldings of figural and a pine tree to the...
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CHINESE WHITE PEKING GLASS SNUFF BOTTLEChinese ,Qing Dynasty, a white peking glass ware snuff bottle, a red stopper with metal band.
H: 3"(7.7cm) D: 1.7"(4.4cm)
Condition: in excellent condition, free of damage...
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CHINESE REVERSE PAINTED GLASS SNUFFBOTTLE Chinese reverse painted glass snuff bottle hand-painted with young figures playing amongst a landscape, signed near top. 2.25" H x 1" diameter. Provenance: Property...
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CHINESE PEKING GLASS SNUFF BOTTLE ChinesePeking glass snuff bottle with cameo red cut to clear decoration comprising of dragons, fish, and waves, with a jade stopper and silverplate spoon. 3.5" H x 1.75" W x 1" D....
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CHINESE REVERSE PAINTED GLASS SNUFFBOTTLE Chinese reverse painted glass snuff bottle depicting court scenes and calligraphy on both sides, 20th century. 6" H x 3.5" W x 1.5" D...
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CHINESE INSIDE PAINTED GLASS SNUFF BOTTLEChinese inside painted glass snuff bottle, delicately decorated to feature numerous boys playing in a garden, dated and signed Ye Zhongshan, with one seal of the artist, green...
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CHINESE ROCK CRYSTAL SNUFF BOTTLE Chineserock crystal snuff bottle, carved in low relief to depict a scholar under a pine tree and shown holding a peach, 2.125"h....
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CHINESE ROCK CRYSTAL SNUFF BOTTLE Chineserock crystal snuff bottle, of flattened bulbous form and carved in raised relief to each side with a central shou medallion enclosed by a series of 'c' scrolls, 2.25"h....
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CHINESE GLASS AND A CRYSTAL SNUFF BOTTLEChinese ,two snuff bottle, one yellow glass plain snuff bottle, with a green stopper one flattened spherical bottle carved in low relief with a chilong and a stopper
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Three Peking Glass Snuff Bottles ChineseContaining: an agate color glass snuff bottle with a carved coral color stopper apprx. 2-1/2"H x 2"W x 1-1/8"D a dark green glass bottle with a turquoise color stopper apprx....
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Mao Zedong Peking Glass Snuff BottleChinese. A Peking Glass snuff bottle with a profile portrait of Mao Zedong's face in blue against a white ground; the reverse with four characters in blue unmarked. Ht. 2.75...
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Peking Glass Snuff Bottles Chinese.Two Peking glass snuff bottles. First bottle has a crane holding a ruyi scepter over a rising sun on one side and the other side with crane holding a ruyi scepter over a setting...
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Peking Glass Snuff Bottles Chinese.Two Peking Glass snuff bottles; one unmarked bottle having one side carved with a bird perched on a branch over a setting sun and the reverse with a crane standing on a turtle...
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Chinese Yellow Peking Glass Snuff BottleChinese a yellow Peking glass snuff bottle large in size with dragon relief; ht. 3 in....
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