AN UNUSUAL CHINESE BRONZE VESSEL WITHPHOENIXES Circa 1900, this bronze vase is finely cast with grapevines encircles the upper neck under a key motif border, the body with graceful phoenixes outstretched over...
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MING DYNASTY? ??????????of slightly tapered cylindrical form, centre cast in high relief with officials on horses and entourage in a dramatic mountainous landscape heading towards towered...
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ASIAN GROUPING INCLUDING A CHINESE BOWL.Includes a signed Chinese tan footed bowl with circular blue and white panels decorated with scholar's items - Ming? dynasty marks to underside, with a paper label inscribed,...
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A LARGE CHINESE BRONZE VASE Ming orlater, with mask and ring handles, cast with bands of archaic design, 43.5cm...
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CHINESE BRONZE 'DRAGON' VASE Chinesebronze 'dragon' vase, bearing a six-character Xuande mark, Ming dynasty, height 5.375"....
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A CHINESE MING DYNASTY CLOISONNE ENAMELEDGILT BRONZE MEIPING VASE A Chinese Ming dynasty cloisonne enameled gilt bronze meiping vase, 17th century, its high shoulder surmounted with a cylindrical neck beneath a gilt...
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MING CHINESE BRONZE VASEDESCRIPTION:Ming Dynasty Chinese Bronze Vase. Featuring Garlic mouth top and bottle form. Embellished with coiled dragon along the neck, and floral lotus root applications. Marked underneath...
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MING CHINESE BRONZE VASEDESCRIPTION:Ming Dynasty Chinese Bronze Vase. Featuring Garlic mouth top and bottle form. Embellished with coiled dragon along the neck, and floral lotus root applications. Marked underneath...
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2 CHINESE BRONZE VASES1st item: Chinesebronze vase, trumpet form with lobed rim and relief chilong decoration to the lobed body. 4 3/8" H. Provenance: Purchased in Hong Kong 4/25/1994 the Chinese Arts & Crafts...
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SMALL CHINESE MING BRONZE VASE W/ PICTORIALDECORATIONS...One Chinese late Ming dynasty bronze vase. This vase is of the classic mallet form taken from porcelain forms. The body is decorated in high relief with scenes...
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CHINESE SMALL MING BRONZE VASE W/ ELEPHANTMASKSSmall Chinese 17th c. Ming Dynasty bronze square vase with elephant masks. Well cast with a bulbous body and flared top. Two sides with applied mask handles. Well patinated...
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TWO PIECES OF CHINESE POTTERYhandledvase, possibly Warring States period or style, with turned rings at the shoulder, wave design along the neck, mottled brown surface, 7-1/2 x 5-1/2 in.; short Ming style jar...
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TEN PIECE CHINESE BRASS AND BRONZE GROUPTenPiece Chinese Brass and Bronze Group, to include a small Chinese seated Guanyin, height 5 inches, a 19th/20th century covered dragon box, length 7 inches, a 19th/20th century...
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PAIR OF CHINESE BRONZE VASESPair ofChinese Bronze Vases, both having animal head handles, Ming Dynasty or later, height 10 1/4 inches.
All lots are sold "AS IS" The condition of lots can vary...
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17TH C. CHINESE MING DYNASTY GILT BRONZESEATED GUANYIN...East Asia, China, Ming Dynasty, ca. 17th century CE. A wonderful bronze statue rich with iconography of a Bodhisattva known as Avalokiteshwara (also Guanyin,...
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NICE CHINESE CELADON PORCELAIN VASELAMP Possibly Ming Dyansty (17th c.), floral decorated celadon porcelain vase, mounted on reticulated gilt bronze base, with carved carnelian toggle adorning the switch chain,...
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CHINESE ARCHAIC-STYLE BRONZE VASE 19THCENTURY HEIGHT 10".CHINESE ARCHAIC-STYLE BRONZE VASE, 19th Century, In baluster form, with three applied loop handles at shoulder, and banded mask and qilin lappet decoration...
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CHINESE LARGE BRONZE ARCHAISTIC HU-FORMVASE MING DYNASTY HEIGHT 22". WIDTH 13". VASE, Ming Dynasty, Rectangular pear-shaped body with flared neck, two animal-form handles at neck and a slightly raised foot. Banded...
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CHINESE SUNSPOT BRONZE VASE EARLY 20THCENTURY HEIGHT 9.25".CHINESE SUNSPOT BRONZE VASE Early 20th Century In bladder form, with raised dragons at shoulder. Four-character Ming mark on base. Height 9.25". Dimensions:...
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CHINESE BRONZE VASE W/ FOO LION, MINGDYNASTY A Chinee bronze vase with foo lions, dating from the Ming dynasty (1368-1644). Archaic in style, divided into four sections with four foo lions featured in the middle...
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CHINESE MING-STYLE YELLOW GROUND PORCELAINVASEChinese Ming-Style Yellow Ground Porcelain Vase on Bronze Stand, porcelain painted with phoenix amid foliage, shoulder with apocryphal Jijing mark, stand with lion heads...
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Large Chinese Ming-style, underglazedblue and white porcelain vase; in the form of an archaistic bronze hu; with design of stylized bovine beasts on diaper patterned grounds,the neck with double-chilong lappet...
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CHINESE BRONZE VASE W/ ROPE DESIGN,MINGDYNASTY A Chinese Ming dynasty bronze vase features three spaced belts of rope around the body and shoulder. Below the rim is a band of Chinese archaic design. The slightly...
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CHINESE CLOISONNE BRONZE DOUBLE HANDLEURN VASE, PERIOD: MING DYNASTY. 12"H X 7"DIAMChinese cloisonne bronze double handle urn vase, period: Ming dynasty., Bronze vessel with 2 Cloisonne side bands with stylized...
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CHINESE BLUE& WHITE DRAGON VASE, MINGD. A Chinese, 17th C, porcelain, blue and white dragon vase, of rounded globular form rising to a long slender neck, painted to the exterior in vivid blue tones with two ferocious...
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CHINESE BRONZE HU VASE Pear Shape BronzeVase, Yuan/Ming, having animal head form side handles with drop rings, neck with raised horizontal band of archaic symbols, flared foot, 12 1/4" high, 5 3/4" x 4 1/4". Surface...
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CHINESE MING DYNASTY BRONZE FREE RINGVASE LAMP China,Ming DynastyDecorated with archaic banded patterns in relief with free ring figural dragon head handles....
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Two Chinese bronze vases and bronze'ear cup' bowl late ming and qing dyansty Comprised of a pear form vase, bottle vase and ear cup. Tallest Vase H: 6 in. PROVENANCE: Property from the estate...
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Two small Chinese Ming bronze vasesming dynasty Both of dark brown patina, one of baluster form, together with a wide shoulder incised vase, wood stand. Tallest 5 in. PROVENANCE: Property from...
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Chinese hu-form bronze vase Mingdynasty Of equilateral construction and of typical form with mask-form ring handles and everted rim. H: 6.25 in....
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* A Chinese Bronze Vase (Fanghu) Mingdynasty having flared mount rim above a repetitive diamond-form diaper flanked by animal head and loop handles and raised upon a flared foot. Height 11 inches....
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Chinese Ming Bronze VaseThe cylindricalvase finely cast to depict archaistic bands in relief 5''H circa 16th of a gentleman....
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Chinese Cast-Bronze "Hu" Vase, MingDynasty (1368-1644), of baluster form cast in a quatrefoil lobed shape with three horizontal bands of low-relief casting of mythical animals against a Greek-key ground, the...
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A Chinese Ming-Style Cloisonné EmbellishedBronze Vase Xuande mark but probably late 19th/early 20th c. globular body with tall lobed neck with mask-ring handles raised on a tall foot ring decorated with cloisonné...
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Chinese Cast Bronze "Hu" Vase with ZoomorphicHandles, Ming Dynasty (1368-1644), of flattened baluster form with molded archaic decoration in horizontal bands and pendant lappets, the handles in the form of dragon heads...
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A Chinese Bronze Vase of baluster formthe rim with a key-fret band with decoration of a phoenix on a ground of scrolling clouds above a row of lappets having foliate design the lower register depicting scrolling...
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