THE CHEYENNE, ROMAN BRONZE WORKS PLAQUEAFTER REMINGTONA bronze relief roundel cast by the Roman Bronze Works after the Frederic Remington (American, 1861-1909) bronze The Cheyenne, which was originally modeled...
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CHEYENNE HARRIS STERLING BRACELETS DUOCheyenneHarris (Navajo/Northern Cheyenne, B. 1963) pair of Southwestern style sterling silver cuff bracelets. One with incised niello lines to the surface, incised niello designs...
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SOUTHERN CHEYENNE "CHIEF KILLER" SHIELDEX-MUSEUMThis is a fantastic polychrome painted war shield from the Southern Cheyenne Native American Indians of Western Oklahoma. The shield is attributed to a Southern Cheyenne...
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CA. 1900- BLACKFEET BEADED PIPE TOBACCOBAGThe lot features a fantastic circa 1900-1930's Blackfeet / Blackfoot Indian tanned hide beaded pipe bag / tobacco bag. The bag exhibits a traditional pipe bag pattern with...
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EARLY 20TH C. PLAINS TRIBE CHEYENNEGHOST DANCE DRESSNative American, Western United Sates, Plains Tribes, Cheyenne people, ca. early 20th century CE. An incredibly important piece of religious attire, a cotton...
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EDWARD S. CURTIS, CHEYENNE MAN, 1911EdwardS. Curtis, (1868 - 1952) Cheyenne Man, 1911, photogravure on Holland Van Gelder titled in plate, lower left: CHEYENNE MAN inscribed in plate, lower center: From Copyright...
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EDWARD S. CURTIS, OFFERING PIPE TO THEEARTH - CHEYENNE, 1910Edward S. Curtis, (1868 - 1952) Offering Pipe to the Earth - Cheyenne, 1910, photogravure on Holland Van Gelder titled in plate, lower left: OFFERING...
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EDWARD S. CURTIS, DEPARTURE FROM PREPARATIONLODGE, CHEYENNE, 1910Edward S. Curtis, (1868 - 1952) Departure from Preparation Lodge, Cheyenne, 1910, photogravure on Japanese vellum titled in plate, lower left: DEPARTURE...
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EDWARD S. CURTIS, WARRIOR SOCIETY ENCIRCLINGCAMP - CHEYENNE, 1910Edward S. Curtis, (1868 - 1952) Warrior Society Encircling Camp - Cheyenne, 1910, photogravure on Holland Van Gelder titled in plate, lower left:...
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EDWARD S. CURTIS, PRIESTS PASSING BEFORETHE PIPE - CHEYENNE, 1910Edward S. Curtis, (1868 - 1952) Priests Passing Before the Pipe - Cheyenne, 1910, photogravure on Japanese gampi tissue mounted to Holland Van...
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EDWARD S. CURTIS, GROUP OF FOUR CHEYENNEPHOTOGRAVURESEdward S. Curtis, (1868 - 1952) Group of Four Photogravures: Cheyenne, photogravure on Japanese vellum + Holland Van Gelder + Japanese gampi tissue mounted...
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EDWARD S. CURTIS, OFFERING PIPE TO THESKULL - CHEYENNE, 1910Edward S. Curtis, (1868 - 1952) Offering Pipe to the Skull - Cheyenne, 1910, photogravure on Japanese vellum titled in plate, lower left: OFFERING...
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EDWARD S. CURTIS, GROUP OF FOUR CHEYENNEPHOTOGRAVURESEdward S. Curtis, (1868 - 1952) Group of Four: Gray Dawn - Cheyenne, 1910 + Sun Dance Lodge - Cheyenne, 1927 + Sun Dance in Progress - Cheyenne, 1911 + Cutting...
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EDWARD S. CURTIS, GROUP OF FOUR PHOTOGRAVURES,VOLUME VI: CHEYENNEEdward S. Curtis, (1868 - 1952) Group of Four Photogravures, Volume VI: Cheyenne, photogravure on Holland Van Gelder + Japanese gampi tissue mounted...
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EDWARD S. CURTIS, GROUP OF THREE CHEYENNEPHOTOGRAVURESEdward S. Curtis, (1868 - 1952) Group of Three: Devotees en Route - Cheyenne, 1910 + Preparatory Lodge, Cheyenne Sundance, 1927 + Hivihhnihpoih Society, Cheyenne...
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EDWARD S. CURTIS, CHIEFS IN THE SUNDANCEPARADE - CHEYENNE, 1927Edward S. Curtis, (1868 - 1952) Chiefs in the Sundance Parade - Cheyenne, 1927, photogravure on Japanese vellum titled in plate, lower left: CHIEFS...
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EDWARD S. CURTIS, HEFATAYU SOCIETY,CHEYENNE SUN DANCE, 1927Edward S. Curtis, (1868 - 1952) Hefatayu Society, Cheyenne Sun Dance, 1927, photogravure on Japanese gampi tissue mounted to Holland Van Gelder...
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EDWARD S. CURTIS, CUTTING THE CENTERPOLE - CHEYENNE, 1911Edward S. Curtis, (1868 - 1952) Cutting the Center Pole - Cheyenne, 1911, photogravure on Holland Van Gelder titled in plate, lower left: CUTTING...
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EDWARD S. CURTIS, BOUGHS FOR THE ALTAR- CHEYENNE, 1911Edward S. Curtis, (1868 - 1952) Boughs for the Altar - Cheyenne, 1911, photogravure on Japanese vellum titled in plate, lower left: BOUGHS FOR THE ALTAR...
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EDWARD S. CURTIS, BUILDING THE SUN LODGE- CHEYENNE, 1911Edward S. Curtis, (1868 - 1952) Building the Sun Lodge - Cheyenne, 1911, photogravure on Holland Van Gelder titled in plate, lower left: BUILDING THE SUN...
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EDWARD S. CURTIS, AT THE POOL, ANIMALDANCE - CHEYENNE, 1927Edward S. Curtis, (1868 - 1952) At the Pool, Animal Dance - Cheyenne, 1927, photogravure on Japanese vellum numbered in plate, upper left: Plate...
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EDWARD S. CURTIS, SUN DANCERS - CHEYENNE,1927Edward S. Curtis, (1868 - 1952) Sun Dancers - Cheyenne, 1927, photogravure on Holland Van Gelder titled in plate, lower left: SUN DANCERS-CHEYENNE inscribed in plate,...
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EDWARD S. CURTIS, HOTAMITAYE SOCIETY,CHEYENNE SUN DANCE, 1927Edward S. Curtis, (1868 - 1952) Hotamitaye Society, Cheyenne Sun Dance, 1927, photogravure on Holland Van Gelder numbered in plate, upper left:...
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EDWARD S. CURTIS, RETURN OF SCOUTS -CHEYENNE, 1911Edward S. Curtis, (1868 - 1952) Return of Scouts - Cheyenne, 1911, photogravure on Japanese gampi tissue mounted to Holland Van Gelder titled in plate, lower...
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EDWARD S. CURTIS, CHEYENNE SUN-DANCELODGE, 1927Edward S. Curtis, (1868 - 1952) Cheyenne Sun-Dance Lodge, 1927, photogravure on Holland Van Gelder numbered in plate, upper left: Plate 660 titled in plate,...
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EDWARD S. CURTIS, SUN DANCE PLEDGERS- CHEYENNE, 1911Edward S. Curtis, (1868 - 1952) Sun Dance Pledgers - Cheyenne, 1911, photogravure on Holland Van Gelder titled in plate, lower left: SUN DANCE PLEDGERS...
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ARCHIE BLACKOWL, A PAIR OF CHEYENNEBURIAL, 1971 + CA. 1980Archie Blackowl, (Cheyenne, 1911 - 1992) A Pair of Cheyenne Burial, 1971 + ca. 1980, Cheyenne Burial, 1971: lithograph, edition 138 of 750; Cheyenne...
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VICTORIA ADAMS, SOUTHERN CHEYENNE, SILVER,18K GOLD AND TURQUOISE DRAGONFLY CUFFVictoria Adams, (Southern Cheyenne, 20th c.) Dragonfly Silver, 18K Gold and Turquoise Cuff, Silver, 18K and Turquoise stamped verso:...
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Victoria Adams
(Southern Cheyenne-Arapaho,act. since 1970s)
Sterling Silver, Gold and Semi Precious Stone Necklace, with Dragonfly Locket
signed Victoria Adams Hamlett and marked 14K, 18K and STERLING
necklace length...
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MIRAC D. CREEPINGBEAR, CHEYENNE, 1975MiracD. Creepingbear, (Kiowa/Pawnee/Arapaho, 1947 - 1990) Cheyenne, 1975, acrylic on canvas panel signed and dated lower right: creepingbear / 75 © inscribed verso: Cheyenne...
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EDWARD S. CURTIS, HOTAMITAYE SOCIETY,CHEYENNE SUN DANCE, 1927Edward S. Curtis, (1868 - 1952) Hotamitaye Society, Cheyenne Sun Dance, 1927, photogravure on Holland Van Gelder numbered in plate, upper left:...
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EDWARD S. CURTIS, AT THE POOL, ANIMALDANCE - CHEYENNE, 1927Edward S. Curtis, (1868 - 1952) At The Pool, Animal Dance - Cheyenne, 1927, photogravure on Japanese vellum printed upper left: Plate 663 title printed...
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EDWARD S. CURTIS, CHEYENNE MAIDEN, 1927EdwardS. Curtis, (1868 - 1952) Cheyenne Maiden, 1927, photogravure on Japanese vellum numbered in plate, upper left: Plate 667 titled in plate, lower left: CHEYENNE MAIDEN inscribed...
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Victoria Adams
(Southern Cheyenne-Arapaho,act. since 1970s)
Sterling Silver and 14K Gold Ring
marked STERLING 14K
size 7.25, weight 5.0 dwt....
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(2 PAIR) NATIVE AMERICAN CHEYENNE MOCCASINS(lotof 2 pair) Native American beaded moccasins: 1) pair, Cheyenne moccasins, c. 1920-1940; (1) pair, Cheyenne moccasins, c. 1930-1950...
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Rosebud Agency Sketchbook, by "Jack"9 x 5 1/2 inch sketchbook containing 72 illustrations on unlined paper, in color pencil, ca 1880s-1890s. Paper cover featuring blue pencil inscription "Capt McCauley for Indian...
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