ENGLISH CREWELWORK BEDSPREAD, 18TH C.Englishcrewelwork bedspread, 18th c. , 96" x 72".
Competitive in-house shipping is available for this lot.
Overall good clean condition. Patched. Some losses to stitching....
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AN EMBROIDERED WOOL BEDSPREAD, 19THC.An embroidered wool bedspread, 19th c. , probably New England, 88" x 69".
Competitive in-house shipping is available for this lot.
Sewn on to newer back....
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CROSS STITCH LINEN TABLECLOTH, ETC.Crossstitch linen tablecloth, 72" x 68", a flax coverlet 80" x 59", a chintz remnant, an embroidered bedspread, 97" x 97", and a roll of fabric.
Competitive in-house shipping...
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CREWELWORK BEDSPREADS WITH FLORAL DESIGNS,ETC.Two crewelwork bedspreads with floral designs, together with another needlework bedspread.
Competitive in-house shipping is available for this lot.
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RED AND WHITE PIECED BEDSPREAD, CA.1900Red and white pieced bedspread, ca. 1900, signed Mary H. Hapgood , 78" x 72".
Competitive in-house shipping is available for this lot.
Minor staining....
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PAIR OF ENGLISH NEEDLEWORK BEDSPREADS,18TH C.Pair of English needlework bedspreads, 18th c. , with elaborate very colorful floral designs and vines, 91" x 84" and 87" x 81".
Stains. Random repairs....
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PRINTED COTTON BEDSPREAD, 19TH C.Printedcotton bedspread, 19th c. , with large ovals of Andrew Jackson surrounded by presidents Washington, Adams, Monroe, Jefferson, John Q. Adams, and Madison, eagles, and sailing...
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LARGE FELT APPLIQUé PENNY RUG BEDSPREAD,CA. 1900Large felt appliqué penny rug bedspread, ca. 1900 , with central flowers bordered by rows of coins within a star, bird, and floral border, 49" x 70 3/4".
NO in-house...
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ANTIQUE BLUE DYED JACQUARD BEDSPREADBLANKET. 77 1/2"H X 70 1/2"WAntique blue dyed jacquard bedspread blanket., Wear along middle, edges and holes throughout. Dimensions: 77 1/2"H x 70 1/2"W...
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2 Vintage Bates c1950 Cowboy Woven CottonBedspreads measuring 71x87''. Both are brown with woven white cowboys and longhorn cow skulls. There is rope and branding decoration throughout. One bedspread has a green...
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Vintage c1980 YoYo Quilt or bedspreadmeasures 76x96". Comprised of 1.5" yoyos hand stitched together. Mostly cotton fabrics with a few polyesters, rayons, knits, satins and more. In good condition with several...
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Vintage c1940 YoYo Quilt or bedspreadmeasuring 75x88''. Comprised of 2'' diameter yoyo's in a variety of period solids and feed sack prints. Color placement creates a block design. In poor condition with many...
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BIBB FAMILY ARCHIVES & COVERLET, ALABAMABibbfamily archives & coverlet, Alabama. 1st item - Southern whitework embroidered bedspread, accompanied by old family note stating it was made by "Mrs. Judge B. S. Bibb in 1818"...
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FOUR PIECE LOT TO INCLUDE EMBROIDEREDCREWELWORK ON LIN...Four Piece Lot to Include Embroidered Crewelwork on Linen Fragment, 18th century bedspread having embroidered flowers and a bird, framed, letter on back...
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RALPH LAUREN KING SIZE BEDSPREAD, HAVINGPILLOWS, ALONG...Ralph Lauren King Size Bedspread, having pillows, along with another Ralph Lauren queen size bedspread.
All lots are sold "AS IS" The condition...
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LARGE BROWN MINK FUR THROW BLANKET ORBEDSPREAD Royal Luxury Products (American, 2005-2015), contemporary, large brown mink throw blanket or bedspread, having fur to one side and satin to other side. Appropriately...
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AMERICAN RED, WHITE AND BLUE JACQUARDCOVERLET, FLORAL BROCADE BEDSPREAD AND WHITE QUILTED BEDSPREADAmerican Red, White and Blue Jacquard Coverlet, Floral Brocade Bedspread and White Quilted Bedspread,...
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INDIAN CREWELWORK COTTON BEDSPREAD,10 FT X 9 FT 8 INIndian Crewelwork Cotton Bedspread,, Dimensions: 10 ft x 9 ft 8 in...
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SOUTH AMERICAN WOVEN CARPET, CROCHETBEDSPREAD AND THREE APPLIQUE PATCH QUILTSSouth American Woven Carpet, Crochet Bedspread and Three Applique Patch Quilts...
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TEXTILE: WHITEWORK ("CANDLEWICK") BEDSPREAD,"FANNY COOK," 1812 , BEDSPREAD OF WHITE COTTON DIMITY (WOVEN WITH A RIB) EMBROIDERED WI...TEXTILE: Whitework ("candlewick") bedspread, "Fanny Cook," 1812 , bedspread of white...
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TEXTILE: WHITEWORK ("CANDLEWICK") BEDSPREAD,C. 1790-1825, BEDSPREAD OF WHITE LINEN/COTTON DIMITY (WOVEN WITH A CORD RIB-THE SELVAGE...TEXTILE: Whitework ("candlewick") bedspread, c. 1790-1825, bedspread of white linen/cotton...
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VINTAGE TEXTILES, 50+ PIECES, DETAILSINCLUDE: SILK AND SATIN BEDSPREADS, SHEETS, PILLOW CASES, SHAMS, TABLE PLACEMATS, NAPKINS, HAN...Vintage textiles, 50+ pieces, details include: silk and satin bedspreads,...
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BALTIMORE ALBUM QUILTED BEDSPREAD, 19THC.Baltimore album quilted bedspread, 19th c. , featuring twenty-three blocks adorned with figures, compote of fruit, a lighthouse, etc., 102" x 100". Provenance: A Bucks County,...
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CHINTZ AND PATCHWORK BEDSPREAD, MID19TH C.Chintz and patchwork bedspread, mid 19th c., 99" x 107".
Competitive in-house shipping is available for this lot.
Scattered losses to squares. Large...
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A JAPANESE-STYLE SILK BEDSPREADA Japanese-stylesilk bedspread, Mid-20th century; San Francisco, CA Cloth label affixed to underside edge: Custom created specially for you by: S. Beressi Custom Bedspread Co. The silk...
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BLUE PEACOCK DESIGN BEDSPREAD, CURTAINAND PILLOWSBlue Peacock Design Bedspread, Curtain and Pillows,,...
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FOUR CROCHETED BEDSPREADS AND THREEACCENT PILLOWSFour Crocheted Bedspreads and Three Accent Pillows,,...
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(2) Linsey-woolsey Bedspread & WoolenBlanketIncluding one Linsey-woolsey similar to Welsh Double-weave Reversible Woven Bedspread in red/green/cream 66'' x 74'' along with cream hand-woven woolen blanket with...
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Jacquard Bedspread in Navy Blue andWhiteHand-woven woolen jacquard bedspread in blue and white cotton weft 84'' 78'' circa late 19th-early 20th century fair condition. Private collection Dearborn MI....
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White Marseilles Bedspread, ca. 1900-1920,the center floral medallion with four corner cartouches of dahlias and wheat, with a geometric border and quilted drop, machine made, w. 88", l. 96"....
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(2) SIMILAR BEDSPREADS - Two ItalianBrocade Bedspreads circa 1920s with heavy rope fringe floral design one having been over-dyed in pink the other in the original tan both 88'' x 140'' excluding fringe some...
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Large Crochet Bedspread, the edgeswith spiral tassels and intricate motifs throughout, w. 6' 8", l. 7' 3"....
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Pair vintage crewel bedspreads; fruitand floral patterns. 72" x 100". Good condition, mild soiling....
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TATTED BEDSPREAD - 19th c Tatted CottonBedspread notched for four-poster composed of 6'' floral squares 64'' x 92'' a few holes....
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Three Double-Bed Blanket Covers, consistingof a gold satin bedspread/blanket cover, with 4-1/2" ecru Valenciennes lace, l. 88", w. 72"; and two ecru silk crepe bedspread/blanket covers trimmed with Valenciennes lace,...
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