WHALEMAN MADE WHALEBONE DITTY BOXWHALEMANMADE WHALEBONE DITTY BOX , circa 1840, the box having a carved hand lap pinned to a solid whalebone bottom plate, the cover with a conforming whalebone top and simple lap.
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LARGE WHALEMAN MADE PANBONE DITTY BOXWITH ABALONE STAR... WITH ABALONE STAR INLAID TROPICAL WOOD TOP , circa 1850, with four refined bulbous finger laps, each finely shaped as a cupid's bow with round terminus...
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AMERICAN WHALEMAN MADE MULTI-WOOD INLAIDFOLK ART LIFT ...American Whaleman Made Multi-Wood Inlaid Folk Art Lift Top Jewelry Box, 19th Century , with heart and arrow, star, diamond, pinwheel and alternating wood...
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WHALEMAN MADE FANCY DOCUMENT BOX, LASTQUARTER OF THE 1...Whaleman Made Fancy Document Box, last Quarter of the 19th Century, numerous antique walrus and whale ivory applications to the box include 3 ships, 2 ½...
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WHALEMAN MADE PERSONAL WORK BOX, CIRCA1870Whaleman Made Personal Work Box, circa 1870 , dovetail construction with hinged top and drawer, inlaid with 13 stars, recessed side handle drawer pulls and heart escutcheon;...
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WHALEMAN MADE INLAID ACCOUTREMENT BOX,19TH CENTURYWhaleman Made Inlaid Accoutrement Box, 19th Century, inlaid with whalebone doves, arrows, hearts and keyhole escutcheon, dovetailed construction, side carrying...
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AMERICAN WHALEMAN MADE INLAID ACCOUTREMENTSBOX, MID 19...American Whaleman Made Inlaid Accoutrements Box, mid 19th Century, intricately inlaid with various woods and antique whale ivory quarter fans and ring pull on...
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WHALEMAN MADE SEWING BOX, 19TH CENTURYWhalemanMade Sewing Box, 19th Century , two-tiered rectangular case, mirror slide above base drawers, lift-off top with acorn finial
Height 6.75 in. Length 7.25 in. Depth 5.5 in.
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FINE WHALEMAN MADE TRINKET BOX, MID19TH CENTURYFine Whaleman Made Trinket Box mid 19th Century, antique whalebone and wood construction, dozens of inlaid stars, dots and diamonds on a rectangular box with hinged...
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WHALEMAN-MADE THREE-TIER SEWING BOX19TH CENTURY HEIGHT 9.25”. WIDTH 9”. DEPTH 6.5”., 19th Century, In mahogany with whale ivory mounts. Dimensions: Height 9.25". Width 9". Depth 6.5"....
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WHALEMAN-MADE BOX 19TH CENTURY HEIGHT3.5”. WIDTH 9.75”. DEPTH 5.25”.WHALEMAN-MADE BOX, 19th Century, Inlaid whale ivory sperm whale on lid and stars and diamonds throughout. Three sides of box with raised...
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