WALTER SCOTT, LADY OF THE LAKE, FIRSTEDITION 1810 The Lady of the Lake: A Poem by Walter Scott. Published 1810 by John Ballantyne and Co., Edinburgh, and Longman, Hurst, Rees, and Orme, and William Miller, London....
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WILLIAM MILLER FRAZER (1864-1961): MORNINGON THE ARUN-SUSSEXOil on canvas, c. 1926, signed 'WM Frazer' lower right, with label from Portland Gallery, London, lined.
28 x 36 in., 39 x 47 in. (frame).
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MICROCOSM BY WILLIAM MILLERMicrocosm:or, A Picturesque Delineation of the Arts, Agriculture, Manufactures, &c. of Great Britain , by William Henry Pyne, London, published by William Miller, 1808. Two volumes...
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AFTER HENRY SALT(British, 1780-1827)
Twohand colored aquatint engravings from Twenty Four Views taken in St. Helena, the Cape, India, Ceylon, Abyssinia & Egypt. London: William Miller, 1809, D Havell, engraver No....
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IMPORTANT RAWLE FAMILY PAIR OF PHILADELPHIAQUEEN ANNE ...1740-1760, each with scrolled and shell carved crest over a figured splat with scrolled volutes and spurred base, shell carved legs with trifid feet, red leather...
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ANTHONY HAMILTON, THE MEMOIRS OF COUNTGRAMMONT, 2 Anthony Hamilton, The Memoirs of Count Grammont, two bindings, fully bound in gilt accented red leather, with sixty-four engravings and illustrations, the end...
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Losses and discoloration to cover, yellowing and foxing to pages.Not...
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1805 WILLIAM ALEXANDER’S COSTUME OFCHINA. Published by William Miller in 1805, William Alexander’s Costume of China, featuring full page color plates with cover sheets. 13.25”H x 10.25”W x 1”D....
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FLYING BRANTGeorge William McLellan(1897-1987)
Eureka, CA, c. 1941
24 in. long, 41 in. wingspan
One of only nine flying decoys originally created for this legendary rig. Few would argue that Bill McLellan’s...
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THOMAS OXLEY MILLER (1854-1909) PAINTINGFramedThomas Oxley Miller (1854-1909) oil on canvas landscape painting. Signed lower right, "Miller / 96." Dimensions: 18"h x 30.37"w; (framed) 21.5"h x 33.75"w. Miller was active...
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JOYCE MILLER DESIGNED HAND-SCREENEDSIDE TABLEHand-screened side table by Joyce Miller; marked "1968 Joyce Miller, Mfgd. by William Products, 550 S. Pine Street, York, Pa." to bottom; measures approximately...
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GEORGE PERRY(British, born 1771)
Fiveplates of shells from Conchology, or the Natural History of Shells: containing a New Arrangement of the Genera and Species, London: W. Bulmer and Co. for William Miller, 1810-1811,...
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GEORGE PERRY(British, born 1771)
Eightplates of shells from Conchology, or the Natural History of Shells: containing a New Arrangement of the Genera and Species, London: W. Bulmer and Co. for William Miller, 1810-1811,...
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WILLIAM RICKARBY MILLER(American, 1818-1893)
Bayof New York from the Heights of Hoboken, 1860, signed and dated lower left "W.R. Miller 1860", original artist label verso, oil on canvas, 25-1/4 x 37 in.; fine reproduction...
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WILLIAM RICKARBY MILLER(American, 1818-1893)
TheMill, New York, 1851, signed and dated lower right "W. R. Miller 1851/NY(?)", watercolor on paper, 15 x 21 in.; carved gilt wood and composition frame, 28 x 34 in.
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WILLIAM WEBB PHOTO "EMIL WHITE AND FRIEND"(1963)William Webb (American, XX). "Emil White and Friend" photograph, 1963. Title, edition number, and William Webb's intitials are handwritten in pencil below the image....
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HALFLENGTH PORTRAIT OF MRS GRANT OF PRESTONGRANGE Signed, inscribed and dated 1749, oil on canvas, feigned oval76cm x 63.5cm (30in x 25in)Provenance: By family descent through...
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William Miller Frazer RSA (Scottish1864-1961)/Ducks over Marshland, Newburgh, Fife/oil on canvas, 40cm x 60cm...
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William Miller Frazer RSA (Scottish1864-1961)/Looking Downstream/oil on canvas, 35cm x 43cm/Provenance: The Richard Hagen Gallery...
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THE MEMOIRS OF THE DUKE OF SULLY, PRIME-MINISTERTO HENRY THE GREAT (London: William Miller, 1810) five volumes, quarto (9-3/4 in.), full calf with gilt to boards and spine....
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[BINDINGS] -- [MEMOIRS] -- [BIOGRAPHY].A group of 6 works, most in contemporary full leather bindings, including works related to memoirs and biography, comprising:
1) [CATHERINE THE GREAT]. The Life of Catherine...
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CHARLES WILLIAM DAHLGREEN, ILLINOIS,INDIANA (1864 - 1955), THE CALL OF WINTER, OIL ON BOARD, 23"H X 29 1/8"W, 29"H X 35"W (FRAME)Charles William Dahlgreen, Illinois, Indiana, (1864 - 1955) The Call of Winter,...
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WILLIAM RICKARBY MILLER (NEW YORK, 1818-1893),"ON THE PASSAIC RIVER"., WATERCOLOR ON PAPER, 17" X 13" SIGHT. FRAMED 29" X 25".WILLIAM RICKARBY MILLER, New York, 1818-1893, "On the Passaic River". Signed and dated...
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WILLIAM RICARBY MILLER (NY, 1818-1893)Edgar Allan Poe Cottage, Old Fordham Village, now on the Grand Concourse, Bronx. Oil on linen, signed lower left and dated 1885, while the cottage was still in it's orginal...
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D. HAVELL, CALCUTTA COLOR ENGRAVINGDaniel Havell, from a drawing by Henry Salt, "Calcutta", hand colored engraving on paper, published 1809 by William Miller, 18"h x 23.5"w (sight), 26.75"h x 32"w (frame)...
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ANCIENT ANDMODERN London: William Miller, 1810-11. 8vo, volumes 3-8 only, contemporary calf gilt; Limbiard’s Edition of the British Novelist. London: J. Limbiard, 1826-33. 11 volumes,...
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LATE 19TH CENTURY the rectangular top with a reeded edge above a plain frieze, raised on square tapering legs ending in spade feet,...
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GEORGE PERRY (BRITISH, 19TH CENTURY)AFTER JOHN CLARKE (BRITISH, LATE 18TH/EARLY 19TH CENTURY) 15 ½" x 19 ¼" Set of 4 hand-colored aquatint engravings (Plates XLV, XIII, LVI, and VI) from "Conchology, or the...
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William Miller Frazer (1864-1961 Scotland)Landscape with Sheep Oil on Artist Board. An expressionist landscape painting with sheep in the foreground. Board 10x14'', framed 19x23''. Framed behind glass, excellent condition;...
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1 vol. Perry, George. Conchology,or the Natural History of Shells. London: William Miller, [1811]. Folio, full gilt-paneled 19th-century brown morocco, gilt-lettered & paneled spine, untrimmed gilt edges,...
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Early Edition of Don QuixoteCervantesTHE LIFE AND EXPLOITS OF THE INGENIOUS GENTLEMAN DON QUIXOTE DE LA MANCHA (London: William Miller 1801) 4 volumes octavo calf covers raised and gilt spine copperplate engravings...
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A Group of Twenty-One English Hand-ColoredEngravings of Chinese Torture 1801 extracted from The Punishments of China/ Les Punitions des Chinois by George Henry Mason (author) and J. Dadley (engraver) published by...
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1 vol. (Bound Collection of ReligiousTracts.) Collection of Religious Tracts, viz. on, The Spirit of Prayer... Philadelphia: Henry Miller, n.d. [general title page]: Law, William. An Extract from a Treatise,...
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1 piece. Engraving. Canova, Antonio.Seated statue of George Washington as an ancient Roman. N.p., n.d. [ca. 1820]. 17 1/2 x 12 3/8 inches (445 x 314 mm) - plate mark, full margins; very slightly toned. Signed...
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Southern Coin Silver Flatware Charleston,19th century, four pieces: Peter Mood tongs; two William Miller serving spoons; one William Carrington teaspoon, monograms; detailed list available...
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William Miller Frazer (British, 1864-1961)"Holy Loch", oil on canvas board, signed lower left, "Reeves & Sons, Ltd., London" label en verso, 14" x 20". Handsomely framed....
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