WROUGHT IRON ANDIRONS & TOOL SET Comprisinga pair of hand-forged pair of andirons with twisted cages and other displays of skill, 33 in. H.; and a set of four tools with stand, apparently made by the same smith....
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ASSORTED COLLECTIBLE ITEMS Includingan American Elizabethan Revival mahogany curio rack, 3rd quarter 19th century; a pair of cast iron Hessian Soldier andirons, 19th century, 20 1/2 in. H.; and a wrought iron...
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PAIR OF MANNERIST STYLE BRASS GADROONEDANDIRONS WITH RUSTIC WROUGHT IRON FIRE FENDER AND TOOLSAndirons: 22 1/2 x 17 1/2 x 26 in.; Fire fender: 11 1/2 x 47 1/2 x 15 in.; Tools: 27 1/2 x 9 1/2 x 9 1/2 in.(9)
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PAIR OF 18TH C. KNIFE BLADE ANDIRONSAND TOOLS. Pair of 18th C. wrought iron knife blade andirons with brass flame formed brass finials, 23”H x 12.5”W x 17”D. Sold with 18th C. fireplace tools, tongs and...
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LARGE GROUP OF ITEMS TO INCLUDE; TINAND PORCELAIN SIGN...Large group of items to include; tin and porcelain signs, canisters, and a box lantern, wrought iron baskets and planters, a large Samovar lamp, a heavy...
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SEVEN PIECE WROUGHT IRON FIREPLACE SET19th/early20th century, comprising a pair of scrolled andirons with spiral openwork finials, together with a tool rack with tongs, shovel, and poker, and matching rail, 26 x 13 x 15...
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PAIR OF NEOCLASSICAL STYLE BRASS ANDWROUGHT IRON URN TOPPED ANDIRONS WROUGHT IRON URN TOPPED ANDIRONS, the ring turned urn from tops resting on scrolled legs and ending in bun feet, h: 23.5 x w: 9.5 x d: 18...
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PAIR OF WROUGHT IRON ANDIRONS AND AGROUP OF ASSORTED KITCHEN TOOLSPair of Wrought Iron Andirons and a Group of Assorted Kitchen Tools,...
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PAIR BLACK PAINTED WROUGHT IRON ANDIRONS,HANGING POT RACK AND TOOL STAND WITH FOUR TOOLSPair Black Painted Wrought Iron Andirons, Hanging Pot Rack and Tool Stand with Four Tools...
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PR STEEPLE TOP ANDIRONS BY J. DAVIS,BOSTON & (2) TOOLS Pair of Early 19th c. Brass Andirons by James Davis (Boston, active 1803-1828), each with steeple top and ball-shaped element, hexagonal plinth, spurred...
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PR LEMON TOP ANDIRONS SIGNED I: CLARK,PLUS (2) TOOLS Pair of Early 19th c. Bell Metal and Iron Andirons by John Clark (Boston), with ribbed and belted tops, round plinths, spurred cabriole legs and pad feet, matching...
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A PAIR OF ANTIQUE WROUGHT IRON ANDIRONSProbably early 20th century, 23 1/4 in. H., 13 in. W., approximately 21 1/2 in. D.; Together with a set of hammered cast iron fire tools on stand....
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LARGE PR WROUGHT IRON ANDIRONS FIREPLACETOOL SET United States,20th CenturyMassive pair of hand wrought andirons with curled scrolled top and heavy swag handles over heavy shaft with twisted bulbous central section...
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ARTS AND CRAFTS WROUGHT IRON ANDIRONAND FIRE TOOL SET the andirons with scrolling tops and twist columns and raised on shaped and scrolling feet the tools with turnings and finial handles - h (of andirons):...
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ARTS AND CRAFTS WROUGHT IRON ANDIRONAND FIRE TOOL SET the andirons with scrolling tops and twist columns and raised on shaped and scrolling feet the tools with turnings and finial handles - h (of andirons):...
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Wrought iron fire screen, andirons andtools: finely wrought, screen with brass buttons, commissioned from J. Barton Benson, Abington, Pennsylvlania, 1980, 32-3/4 x 38 in.; with andirons, 14-1/2 x 7-1/4 x 18-1/2...
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Pair hand-wrought iron andirons: eachfinial with three hand-formed flowers, arched legs with penny feet, brackets for tool rests, traces of old gilt surface, late 19th/early 20th century, 30 in. Good condition,...
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Pair wrought iron and brass andirons:large scale, each with brass ball finial over tapered iron shaft with two tool rests on trestle-form base, probably American, probably late 18th century, 28-1/2 x 13-3/4 x...
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Set of Wrought Iron Fire Tools probablyAmerican, early 20th century, all with scrolled and twisted decoration and finials "the blacksmith's twist", fender 21 x 55 in., with matching andirons 27-3/4 in. with 44...
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Pair of Victorian brass and wroughtiron andirons and a group of similar fire tools Estimate $ 40-60 All property is sold as-is. No condition report is supplied. Prospective buyers should submit an inquiry requesting...
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Four iron items: pair wrought iron andirons,both sides with applied tool racks, 18-1/2 in., losses to feet, several about 1/2 in. ; with two hand wrought skewers with twisted handles, each 24 in.; lamp holder with arched...
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A Pair of Wrought Iron Andirons likelyAmerican having scrolling standards together with an associated stand and four fireplace tools. Height of tallest 40 3/8 inches....
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GROUP OF FIREPLACE ITEMS. American.Pair of double lemon top brass andirons with seamed construction ca.1820s 19''h. and a pair of urn finial brass andirons 15''h. Together with a wrought iron grate late...
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Wrought iron fireplace set early 20thc. to include a pair of andirons 24 1/2" h. and a tool rack with a poker a brush and tongs. ?...
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Massive pair of medieval style wroughtiron andirons and fireplace tools early 20th c. 41"h.x17"w.x29.5"d. tools 36"h....
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