3)JAPANESE WWII ARMY OFFICER, POLICE& SUYA SWORDS(lot of 3) Japanese WWII swords: (1) WWII sword, the 28.5" blade marked at the ricasso "Tokyo Japan, Suya" (Suya Sho Ten, a company supplying military swords...
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USN USS Barb WWII battle flag and ephemerato include the battle flag crafted by the crewmen of the U.S.S. Barb, it stands out as one of the more remarkable. Under Commander Eugene B. Fluckey, the Barb is credited...
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With illustration that reads "ALL I CAN OFFER IS BLOOD, TOIL, TEARS, AND SWEAT"...
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COLLECTION OF 18 WWII MILITARY ACTIONFIGURESDESCRIPTION: A large group of collectible WWII military action figures. Including Heinrich Himmler, Hitler-Jugend, Joseph Goebbels, WWII Normandy, among others. CIRCA:...
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WWII ARCHIVE, CHIEF WARRANT OFFICERROBERT KNIESWWII Archive for U.S. Army Chief Warrant Officer Robert Knies including German period photos, pins, patches. Lot includes one personal letter, hand written on...
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WWII ERA JAPANESE SWORD W/ BRONZE MOUNTSJapaneseofficer's sword and scabbard, WWII era. Bronze pommel, ray skin grip wrapped in silk threads, tsuba with five petal flowers at each corner, metal scabbard with bronze mounts,...
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COLLECTION OF WWII & WWI ITEMS: HELMET,DAGGER, BAYONET...1st item: German early WWII steel Luftschutz helmet, fitted with an earlier M24 leather liner. Interior stamped DN545 and "060" indicating size 60. 6 1/2"...
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U.S. MILITARY PARAPHERNALIA, FIVE (5)Militaryparaphernalia appearing to include; a WWII general purpose canvas pouch, marked "Myrna Shoe Co. 1944" to inside of flap; measures approximately 9-1/2" wide and 12-1/2" long...
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BARRIE A.F. CLARKE "SPITFIRE" PRINT& POSTERS TRIOLot of three WWI and WWII framed memorabilia, including: a WWII propaganda poster featuring a bald eagle, the American flag and the Liberty Bell with a caption...
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TWO BOX LOTS OF WWI AND WWII MEMORABILIATwoBox Lots of WWI and WWII Memorabilia, to include Tamiya metal model figures, Warriors of the Wood series III, The Ultimate Soldier WWII action figures, in original packaging,...
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SIGNED FRAMED DRAPER PAINTING - USSYORKTOWN, 1944William Franklin Draper (American, 1912-2003). "USS Yorktown" oil on canvas, 1944. Signed and dated "Wm. F. Draper 3/28/44" on lower right. Titled "USS Yorktown"...
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SIGNED WM. DRAPER WWII PAINTING, BATTLESHIPAPPLIQUEWilliam Franklin Draper (American, 1912-2003). Oil on wood and heavy gauge illustration board, ca. 1943. Signed on lower right. An action-packed scene by combat artist...
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SIGNED WILLIAM DRAPER WWII PAINTING- LANDING AT GUAMWilliam Franklin Draper (American, 1912-2003). Study for mural "Landing at Guam" oil on heavy gauge illustration board, ca. 1943 CE. Signed "Wm. F. Draper"...
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Maquette for the Baldacchino, National WWII Monument, Washington, D.C., ed. 3/20, artist's stamp on edge, patinated bronze, 16 x 10-1/2 x 10-1/2 in.
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RARE WWII JAPANESE NAVAL BINOCULARS"BIG EYES"East Asia, Japan, WWII era, ca. 1940s CE. A rare pair of powerful prismatic binoculars for scoping enemy ships or planes known as "big eyes," a style that was popular...
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WWII CINDERELLA STAMP COLLECTION1940'sCinderella poster stamp album collection. Some reference: Save Waste, Cotton Week, Production, Destroy the 5th Column, Gold Star War Dads, Be Neutral and other patriotic World...
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WWII CINDERELLA STAMP COLLECTION1940'sCinderella poster stamp album collection. Some reference: US Military, Marines, Devil Dog, Navy Day, Seabees, Coast Guard, Women's Reserve, WAC, Keep 'em Flying, Donut Month...
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WWII CINDERELLA STAMP COLLECTION1940'sCinderella poster stamp album collection. Some reference: Wartime efforts, V for Victory, US Military, Remember Pearl Harbor, Beat the Axis, Defense Bonds, Army Air Force,...
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WWII CINDERELLA STAMP COLLECTION1940'sCinderella poster stamp album collection. Some reference: Uncle Sam, Hitler, US Military, Army, Navy, Air Force, US flag, wartime efforts, fight for freedom, NRA, V for Victory,...
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TWENTY-EIGHT ITEMS BEING MILITARY ANDCIVILIAN BUTTONS PLUS RELATED INSIGNIA *RETURNED* To include: antebellum American one-piece militia eagle button; three (3) Union general service buttons; Canadian army button,...
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18K YELLOW GOLD WWII R.A.F. MILITARYSWEETHEART BROOCH SWEETHEART BROOCH, stamped 18K yellow gold approx. 1 1/4 inches x 1 1/8 inches, WWII Royal Air Force "Military Sweetheart Pin", Latin phrase ARDVA AD ASTRA...
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GROUP OF GERMAN WWII RELATED ITEMSGroupof German WWII related items, to include stamps with a full sheet, and disability insurance stamps, together with WWII German Olympic photos, contemporary Hells Angels and...
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GERMAN WWII STAHLHELM HELMET M42 & FIELDCAPGerman WWII helmet M1942 with rear stamped hkp66. Also included is a German WWII wool field cap with SS buttons. See images for more details on condition. This item can...
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WWII Japanese Internment Camp Paintingand Scrap Book. Watercolor and gouache painting on heavy craft paper with one-point perspective view of a WWII Japanese Internment Camp. Artist unknown. Included is a scrap...
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WWII 101ST AIRBORNE 502ND PAR INF REGPATCHRare original period patch from the 502nd Parachute Infantry Regiment, aka "The Widowmakers." This regiment of the 101st Airborne Division distinguished itself in WWII,...
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2PC WWII JAPANESE MILITARY HAT MEATBALLFLAG GROUP Japan,1939-1945Includes a WWII Japanese military hat and WWII Japanese rising sun flag with hand written ink kanji....
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3 OTTO PLAUG MODERNIST WWII LANDSCAPEDRAWINGS New York, Germany,1898-2000Each scene is created with expressive line work depicting a landscape effected by WWII with a surreal quality. These drawings was removed...
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*WWI Colt 1911 Army Pistol .45?ACP cal.5" barrel S/N 352202. WWII parkerized finish 1918 date of mfg. Condition: Excellent condition with an excellent bore. It retains ca 97% WWII arsenal refinish with most loss...
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U.S. WWII Military Items Lot of TenWWII Navy summer weight flight cap and flying goggles in original box; WWII Air Force pocket compass in box; misc. pouches US and British some dated 1942; WWI shovel cover...
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US WWI & WWII Field Gear French copyof the M-43 double-buckle boots; one WWI pouch dated 1918 for the 1911 mags.; ?two WWII clip pouches for the 1911a1 dated 1942; two pair of the 1917 leggings canvas and leather;...
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US WWI & WWII Military Items Lot ofTwenty-Five Lot includes: two WWI mess kits dated 1918; one WWI condiment can; four WWII mess kits dated 1944; one WWII mess kit dated 1945; one Vietnam?War mess kit dated...
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*WWI Colt 1911 Government Model Semi-AutoPistol .45?ACP cal. 5" barrel S/N 608712. WWII parkerized arsenal finish; 1919 date of mfg. Condition: Very good condition with a very good bore. It retains ca 90%+ of the...
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U.S. WWI & WWII Assorted Uniform PiecesLot of Sixteen Lot includes: three?large size WWII?officer's wool shirts; three medium?WWII?enlisted wool?shirts; one?large?size?WWII enlisted wool shirt;?two?WWI M-1916?enlisted?wool...
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US WWII and Post-War Helmets and LinersLot of Eleven Lot includes: four WWII M-1 helmets and liners one is ID'd inside and one has original helmet net; two Vietnam-era liners one Swedish?helmet with camo net great...
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German WWII Assorted Medals Lot of FifteenLot includes WWI Iron Cross with spange; WWII Iron Cross 2nd class on parade ribbon; WWII Iron Cross spange; Krim shield; WWII black wound badge; Nazi sub badge; Red Cross...
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