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ZUNI FETISHES, 3 Three hardstone...
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ZUNI FETISHES, 3 Three hardstone Zuni Fetishes, comprising: 1 crouching squirrel, 1 Bison with inlaid turquoise & 1 bear. Bison: 3.75" W....
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Zuni Fetish Figure and Magical Charm,20th century carved hardstone bear mounted to worked stone wrapped in glass beads, turquoise, mother of pearl and feathers, the charm made from antler with glass beads and...
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ZUNI CARVED STONE FETISH - NATIVE AMERICANSOUTHWESTMiniature red agate hardstone, carved by hand into the form of a Bear. Inlaid turquoise eyes and a small white chipped arrowhead tied onto the body with sinew. Style...
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ZUNI FETISHES, 3 Three hardstone ZuniFetishes, comprising: 1 crouching squirrel, 1 Bison with inlaid turquoise & 1 bear. Bison: 3.75" W....
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ZUNI FETISHES, 3 Three Zuni Fetishes,comprising 1 beige and black hardstone Bison with turquoise decoration, 1 resin Asian "Immortal Figure" tortoise, and 1 red hardstone snake, signed D. Shebola. Bison: 2.75"...
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ZUNI FETISHES, 4 Four mixed hardstoneZuni fetishes comprising: 1 cow, 2 bears, & 1 tiger. Red cow: 3" W. Fish in mouth of bear partially broken....
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ZUNI CARVED STONE HEISHI NECKLACE &FETISHES, 5 Group lot of five Zuni Native American hand-carved stone pieces comprising one Heishi necklace with nine animals mounted with turquoise and coral, one signed red...
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GROUPING OF SMALL HARDSTONE FIGURES& A BOX Including a turquoise figure of a drummer, two Zuni style turquoise fetish figures, and others....
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40 STONE AND CERAMIC FETISHES, NATIVEAMERICANGroup of 40 Native American stone and ceramic fetish figures. Includes a Zuni carved stone bird with mother of pearl feet and turquoise ornament, labeled Evalene Boone,...
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THREE CARVED HARDSTONE FETISH FIGURESWITH TURQUOISEThe three Zuni fetishes include bear, frog and horned toad. Each is signed and date to the early 21st century.Measures 0.75 x 3 x 1.75, 0.5 x 2 x 2, and 2 x...
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AN ELABORATE ZUNI FETISH NECKLACE OF50 CARVED STONESThe sterling silver cone ends join three strands strung with small heishi and more than 50 hand carved ornaments including carved fetishes in turquoise, jet,...
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A COLLECTION OF ZUNI FETISHES WITH TURQUOISECarvedand inlaid marble and other hardstone fetishes in the form of Zuni maidens, bear, dog and other quadrupeds.Measures from 2.25 to 5.75 inches tall.Very good condition. There...
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COLLECTION OF TWELVE ZUNI ANIMAL FETISHES20th century, to include ten various bears in carved hardstone (2 1/2 in. tallest), a single blue hardstone hare (1 in.), and single buffalo cast in silver with turquoise...
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ZUNI FETISH NECKLACE ATTRIB. ANDREWEVERSON QUAM Zuni fetish necklace attributed to Andrew Everson Quam, coral, hardstone & metal, unmarked. Chain measures 27"....
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