ZUNI SILVER & MOSAIC INLAY BOLO - KNIFEWINGDANCER - 1950SZuni Knifewing Kachina Dancer bolo tie. Sterling decorated with Coral, turquoise jet and other stones. Bennett Pat. Pend. C-31 clasp. Silver beads & twisted...
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OLD ZUNI MOSAIC INLAY STERLING & TURQUOISEBOLO - SIMPLICIO LEAVESFine old Native American Zuni bolo tie by Mike or Dan Simplicio. Unsigned, unmarked. An older piece, made with square wire rings on the back to hold...
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RARE ZUNI MOSAIC INLAY BOLO BY RALPHQUAM - CHIEF'S HEADCirca 1970. Depicting a Native American Kumanche or Comanche Chief. Mosaic inlay on sterling silver, including Turquoise, Jet, Mother of Pearl, Coral and...
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ZUNI SILVER MULTI-STONE BOLO TIE NECKLACEVintage Zuni Native American sterling silver multi-stone inlay leather bolo tie necklace, malachite, onyx, turquoise, coral, wood and mother-of-pearl, marked: "H. Smith."...
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ZUNI INLAID RAINBOW GOD & SILVER BOLOTIE PENDANTNative American silver bolo pendant, the Rainbow God, signed OC, Zuni, the figure fashioned with inlays of mother-of-pearl, coral, turquoise and jet, engraved name...
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Zuni Mosaic and Channel Inlay DancerJewelry
third quarter 20th century
lot of 3, includes:
a Gan dancer pendant / bolo tie slide; set with turquoise, shell, jet, and coral channel inlay; signed V. LUNA ZUNI...
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Navajo and Zuni Bolo Ties
mid - thirdquarter 20th century
lot of 2, includes:
an example with a mosaic inlay covered wagon slide; etched with a trader / pawn code AOZR
bolo length 32 inches, slide length 3-1/4...
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Zuni Silver and Mosaic Inlay Fancy DancerBolo Tie
third quarter 20th century
set with turquoise, shell, jet, and coral; not marked
slide length 5 inches x width 3 inches, bolo length 31 inches, total weight 53.4...
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ZUNI STERLING TURQUOISE BOLO, VALENTINO& MATLIDA BANTE...Zuni sterling turquoise bolo by Valentino and Matilde Banteah (both b. 1955). This husband and wife team have been producing inlay jewelry since 1973. Hallmarked....
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(5) PC STERLING AND TURQUOISE JEWELRYFivepiece Native American and Mexican sterling silver and turquoise jewelry lot. 1) Turquoise, MOP, coral and onyx inlay pendant, signed, with 17 3/4" sterling necklace. 12.3...
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STERLING TURQUOISE INLAY OWL BOLO TIESterlingsilver with turquoise, MOP and coral inlay of an bird or owl bolo tie. Back of pendant is signed "TE". Overall weight is approx. 59.3 grams. Owl measures approx. 3 1/2" tall...
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STERLING TURQUOISE CORAL INLAY BOLOTIESterling silver with turquoise and coral inlay. Back of pendant is marked Sterling and signed "BJ". Overall weight is approx. 54.1 grams. Pendant measures approx. 2 1/2"...
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NATIVE AMERICAN ZUNI STERLING TURQUOISEBOLO TIENative American Zuni artist Linette Laiwakete sterling silver and turquoise inlay bolo tie featuring a figural Zuni dancer. Signed "Laiwakete". Bolo tie figure measures...
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ZUNI, SILVER AND MULTI-STONE INLAY RAMBOLO TIE CA. 1960'SZuni, Silver and Multi-Stone Inlay Ram Bolo Tie ca. 1960's, silver, mother of pearl, abalone, shell, coral, onyx, turquoise and spiny oyster overall weight...
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2 SIGNED ZUNI SILVER AND MULTI-STONEINLAY BOLOS CA. 1960-70'S2 Signed Zuni Silver and Multi-Stone Inlay Bolos ca. 1960-70's,Theodore Edaakie ,(Zuni, 1911-1987)Owl With Moon and Star Bolo,silver, olive jade,...
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ZUNI, SILVER + MULTI-STONE INLAY ANTELOPEBOLO, CA. 1970-80SZuni, Silver + Multi-Stone Inlay Antelope Bolo, ca. 1970-80s, inlay includes: onyx, turquoise, coral, spiny oyster, spiny oyster, mother of pearl and abalone...
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DON & VELMA DEWA ZUNI INLAID SHALAKOBOLO TIENative American silver (content unknown) bolo tie, Don and Velma Dewa (Zuni, 20th c.), c.1974-1982, Shalako Kachina bolo ornament inlaid with mother of pearl, shell,...
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JONATHAN BEYUKA ZUNI INLAID HOOP DANCERBOLO TIENative American silver (content unknown) and multi-stone inlay bolo tie, stamped JB (Jonathan Beyuka, Zuni, b.1953), large figural hoop dancer with turquoise, red...
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ZUNI PUEBLO MULTI-STONE INLAY KNIFEWINGBOLO TIENative American silver (content unknown) bolo tie, signed REH, likely Zuni Pueblo, multi-stone inlay Knifewing dancer with turquoise, red coral, shell, and jet, silver...
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Navajo, Zuni, and Southwestern StyleNecklaces and Bolo Ties
third quarter 20th century
lot of 6, includes:
a bolo featuring a silver thunderbird-shaped slide, set with turquoise, shell, jet, and coral mosaic...
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Navajo and Zuni Silver Bolo Ties
secondhalf 20th century
lot of 5, includes:
a silver slide with layers of different inlaid materials, capped off with a turquoise cabochon, etched on the back reads silversmithing...
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Amy Quandelacy
(Zuni, b. 1953)
Silverand Turquoise Channel Inlay Belt Buckle and Matching Bolo Tie
lot of 2, both signed Amy, includes:
buckle length 3 inches x width 2 inches, weight 30.0 dwt. bolo length 31...
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Navajo and Zuni Bolo Ties
third quarter20th century
lot of 5, includes:
a bear slide set with a coral, jet, and turquoise mosaic inlay heartline; not marked
bolo length 32 inches, slide length 1-1/4 inches x...
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Eddie Beyuka
(Zuni, 1920-2002)
Silverand Mosaic Inlay Fire God Katsina Bolo Slide, with Stand
inlaid with jet, turquoise, coral, and shell; signed EAB ZUNI
length 4-1/2 inches x width 2-1/4 inches, weight 24.3...
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Zuni Silver Buck AND Navajo Bolo Tiethird quarter 20th century
lot of 2, includes:
a bolo with silver slide in the shape of a buck, set with shell, jet, coral, and turquoise channel inlay; marked P and etched...
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A ZUNI INLAID KNIFEWING BOLO TIEA Zuniinlaid Knifewing bolo tie, Mid-20th Century Appears unmarked A bolo tie with turquoise, shell and black inlay on a black leather braided cord with silver tips Bolo: 3"...
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AN INLAID ZUNI KNIFEWING BOLO TIEAninlaid Zuni Knifewing bolo tie, Mid-20th Century Appears unmarked A bolo tie with turquoise, shell and black inlay on a black leather braided cord with silver tips Bolo:...
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A VERY FINE COLLECTION OF NATIVE AMERICANJEWELRY Including turquoise beaded necklaces, sterling silver cuffs, sterling silver rings, a signed sterling silver multi-stone inlay bolo tie by Zuni artist Victoria Unkestine...
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ZUNI PUEBLO MULTISTONE INLAY RAINBOWMAN BOLO TIENative American sterling silver bolo tie, likely Zuni Pueblo, rainbow man kachina inlaid with turquoise, shell, and red coral, inlaid sterling silver bolo tips,...
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HARLAN COONSIS (B.1958, ZUNI)HarlanCoonsis (b.1958, Zuni), Late 20th/21st century A Zuni inlaid bolo Stamped: H.R.Coonsis / Zuni / [Sunface symbol] A stepped diamond silver bolo with an inlaid abalone red...
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Large Zuni Silver and Mosaic Inlay FiguralBolo Tie
third quarter 20th century
set with shell, spiny oyster, jet, and turquoise; not marked
bolo length 38 inches, slide length 7-3/4 inches x width 3-1/2 inches,...
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STERLING TURQUOISE RAMS HEAD INLAY BOLOTIETurquoise, onyx and MOP rams head bolo tie. Back of pendant is marked sterling. The pendant also has a necklace chain loop or bail. Overall weight is approx. 61.7 grams....
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Edward Beyuka Zuni Inlay Shalako Bololarge Shalako inlaid with jet turquoise shell spiny oyster; on stand with single drum; hallmarked on reverse of bolo length 7 in.third quarter 20th century...
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Edward Beyuka Zuni Turquoise Inlay EagleDancer and Road Runner Bolos lot of 2 includes a silver and turquoise eagle dancer and road runner; both marked on reverse length 2 in. and 4 in.third quarter 20th century...
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Zuni Turquoise Inlay Bolos each signed:one with LL other with BB plus sketch of a footprint; jewelry books list several people with these initials. Each design depicts a dancer with a feather headdress; each also...
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