Twenty-three Secretaries of State of the
Twenty-three Secretaries of State of the United States, 1831-1913, signed items: "Edw.[ard P.] Livingston" autograph check, New York, October 8,...
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Twenty-three Secretaries of State of the
Twenty-three Secretaries of State of the United States, 1913-2005, signed items: "W.[illiam] J. Bryan", pencil on banquet program, April 13, 1897...
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22 Supreme Court Justices: signatures on
22 Supreme Court Justices: signatures on 33 items: "Hugo L. Black" 1967 letter and card; "Harry A. Blackmun" 1970 letter; "William...
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157 works by Arthur Fuller (Arthur Daven
157 works by Arthur Fuller (Arthur Davenport Fuller, Connecticut, 1889-1967), held in a scrapbook titled "Arthur D. Fuller: Record of his Artistic Car...
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Eleven scientists and inventors on ten s
Eleven scientists and inventors on ten signed items: "Thos. A. Edison" (Thomas Alva Edison, 1847-1931, American inventory) in brown ink on verso...
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1858 autograph book, title page hand let
1858 autograph book, title page hand lettered "Devoted to Religious Poetry and Literature, 1858, multum in parvo ", 48 pages of essays, stories a...
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Eleven James W. Pattison sketchbooks (Ja
Eleven James W. Pattison sketchbooks (James William Pattison, Illinois/Asheville, North Carolina, 1844-1915), six sketchbooks, Gloucester, Massachusetts, w...
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Fourteen American writers: "Daniel
Fourteen American writers: "Daniel Beard" (1850-1941), Boy Scouts founder, signed card, blue ink, 2-1/2 x 3-1/2 in.; 26-line typed letter signed...
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Five Federal duck stamp prints, 1969-72,
Five Federal duck stamp prints, 1969-72, 1979: "White-Winged Scoters", 1969, with stamp, 221/750, signed lower right "Maynard Reece" (A...
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Seven American business leaders: "B
Seven American business leaders: "BM Baruch" (Barnard M. Baruch, 1870-1965, financier, economist) signed letter, five typed lines, July 29, 1949,...
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Six War of 1812 participants: eight-line
Six War of 1812 participants: eight-line autograph letter, Paris, April 18, 1809, signed "John Armstrong" (1758-1843, U.S. Secretary of War, 1813...
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Modern American political figures: over
Modern American political figures: over 90 signatures including Omar N. Bradley (signed "Brad") typed letter, July 11, 1972; "Prescott Bush&...
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Four American religious leaders: "E
Four American religious leaders: "E.J. Flanagan" (Edward "Father" Flanagan, 1886-1948, founder of Boys Town, Nebraska) in blue ink on p...
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Six civil rights leaders: partly printed
Six civil rights leaders: partly printed deed of trust, October 22, 1881, signed in black ink "Fredk Douglas" (Frederick Douglas, 1817-1895, slav...
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Three Federal duck stamp prints, 1963-65
Three Federal duck stamp prints, 1963-65: "American Brant", 1963, with stamp, signed lower right in pencil "Edward J. Bierly" (American...
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Three Federal duck stamp prints, 1949-51
Three Federal duck stamp prints, 1949-51: "American Goldeneyes", 1949, with stamp, signed lower right in pencil "Roger E. Preuss" (Amer...
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Three Federal duck stamp prints, 1966-68
Three Federal duck stamp prints, 1966-68: "Whistling Swans", 1966, with stamp, edition 289/300, signed lower right in pencil "Stanley Stearn...
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Three duck stamp prints, 1946-1948: &quo
Three duck stamp prints, 1946-1948: "Redheads", 1946, with accompanying stamp, signed lower right in pencil "Bob Hines 1946" (Robert W....
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Federal duck stamp prints 1952-54: "
Federal duck stamp prints 1952-54: "Harlequin Ducks", 1952, with stamp, signed lower right "John H. Dick" (John Henry Dick, American, 1...
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Eight 19th century profile silhouettes a
Eight 19th century profile silhouettes and account book of silhouette purchases, European and American: (1) George Washington, reverse painted, 2 in. diame...
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Three Federal duck stamp prints: "G
Three Federal duck stamp prints: "Green-Winged Teal", 1939, with stamp, signed lower right "Lynn Bogue Hunt" (American, 1878-1960) and...
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W. C. Handy, Lionel Hampton signed photo
W. C. Handy, Lionel Hampton signed photographs: sepia toned photo of Handy seated, holding cane, inscribed in dark blue ink "To Pat Master/Best Wishes...
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Ten slavery related manuscripts: two-pag
Ten slavery related manuscripts: two-page letter, Martindale, North Carolina, July 3, 1864, "…we had considerable stir in our county last Wedne...
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Four Nobel Laureate physicists: detailed
Four Nobel Laureate physicists: detailed ink sketch of three bipolar transistors signed "John Bardeen, April 7, 1980" on 11 x 8-1/2 in. page; &qu...
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Nine coin silver spoons, all with fiddle
Nine coin silver spoons, all with fiddle handles: six with rounded fins, marked "J. Kenney", inscribed "Wde BM", 5-3/4 in., good condit...
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Four Indian War military jackets: navy b
Four Indian War military jackets: navy blue jacket, collar marked with "2" and label for "W.D. Cowan, Newark, New Jersey", buttons by v...
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U.S. 1778 privateer license, partially p
U.S. 1778 privateer license, partially printed document headed "Congress. The Delegates of the United States…", licensing William McFadden...
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Two sets family group silhouettes: three
Two sets family group silhouettes: three profile portraits of "Julia Simonton", "Jane Chapman (nee Simonton) born March 28, 1794, married No...
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Four gold medallions: two engraved "
Four gold medallions: two engraved "The Columbian College/1903": "Davis Prize…for excellence in composition and elocution", and...
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Eight 19th century silhouettes, full and
Eight 19th century silhouettes, full and profile portraits: (1)(2) man and woman, hollow cut with ink highlights on black silk, 3-1/4 x 2-3/4 in., foxing ,...
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Four American women activists: "Eva
Four American women activists: "Evangeline Booth" (1865-1850, reformer) signed in brown ink as Commander, Salvation Army National Headquarters st...
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Seven James W. Pattison watercolors (Jam
Seven James W. Pattison watercolors (James William Pattison, Illinois/Asheville, North Carolina, 1844-1915), watercolors on paper or card, unframed: (1) si...
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Two albums of entertainers: "To/Wil
Two albums of entertainers: "To/William Stanhope/'Thanks for the Memory'/Bob Hope" inscribed in bold black marker on studio photo of him,...
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Two duck stamp prints, 1957-1958, "
Two duck stamp prints, 1957-1958, "American Eider", 1957, with stamp, signed "Jackson M. Abbott" (Jackson Miles Abbott, American, born...
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Three sterling bowls: one oval with high
Three sterling bowls: one oval with high relief iris decoration, Geo. W. Shiebler & Co., "1232", "L" monogram and "Leslie"...
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Colt Army Dragoon, third model, 1848, 7-
Colt Army Dragoon, third model, 1848, 7-1/2 in. barrel, serial number 17859, serial numbers match throughout, barrel marked "Address SML Colt, New Yor...
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