This mark is included under our "CROWNS" Shape category and is listed as S. FIELDING & Co., also known as CROWN DEVON.
Since you now know the name of the company, please use our NAME SEARCH for Fielding to see other marks they used and also read a brief Fact
Sheet on the company. Your lovely Porcelain Box dates ca 1900 - 1910.
Your lovely
Masked Lady Figurine is indeed marked with a 20thC imitation of the original
Capo di Monte (GINORI) trademark. Please use our
Capo di Monte to see many versions, including the original marks and several fakes.
On the same page, you will also find a brief Fact Sheet on the company. Since your item is also marked with the Country of Origin, which was required only after
1891, we know that it is not older than that.
We also know it is not Ernst Bohne (Germany), who also uded a Crowned N mark nor a recent Chinese import. Based on that and also the
fairly sophisticated workmanship that went into modeling this piece, our opinion is that it was made by NUOVA CAPODIMONTE You will find more
information on this company by using our NAME SEARCH for Nuova Capodimonte. In this case, your example dates ca 1950s - 1980s and appears
to be a nice souvenir from Venice, where there is an annual Masked Ball for the public and everyone dresses up in old Baroque or Renaissance styled costumes to
commemorate the event
The "CYPRUS" mark is the Pattern and this name is documented as having been used by three companies, namely
Francis J. Emery, William Brownfield & Sons, and
William Davenport & Co.. In your case, and although this particular mark is not documented in this exact format, we believe that it represents
Davenport & Co., primarily because it was the only company that had an "& Co." in their name and what we may interpret as an inverted anchor symbol within
the mark.
Additionally, since there is no country of origin notation (required only after 1891), we know that your Staffordshire Platter dates ca 1830s - 1880s and is
typical of items made in this style ca 19thC by many companies located in that region. To see marks used by William Davenport & Co. and read a brief Fact Sheet on
the company, please use our NAME SEARCH for Davenport.
These are definitely Japanese. I believe that the Kanji characters read "Good Luck", a typical label on items made in Japan for domestic use or Export ca early to
mid-20thC. The actual maker is not noted. The saucer appears to be in the
KUTANI style. The Teapot is typical "Blue & White" Japanese, which was an
inspiration for many European items made with similar decorative details.
This is a trademark used by
JOHN TAMS & SONS, Ltd. from Longton, Staffordshire, UK. It dates ca 1930s - 1950s. You can see other marks they used and
also read a brief Fact Sheet on the company by using our
You will find this mark under our "ANIMALS" Shape Category. It is listed as
HINRICH & Co., a US-based Importers on items from various countries of
Europe. For faster viewing and since you now know the name of the company, please use our
Hinrich to see it along with other
marks they used and read a brief Fact Sheet on the company. It dates ca 1891 - 1898. The original maker is rarely noted on their pieces.
There is no doubt that your lovely Porcelain Bird Figurine was made ca very late 19th or early 20thC. The word "
FOREIGN" is usually found on items
made outside the US (mostly Europe & Japan) during that period due to applicable Tariff Laws newly enacted at that time. Items imported to the US had to either note
the country of origin or be marked with at least the word "Foreign" as a transitional notation. After early 1920s, the actual name of the country was required in is
entirety. Furthermore, based on the style and fine workmanship of your item, I am practically certain that it was made in Germany. Although this particular
C mark is not documented in this format for any company or studio in Germany, its overall characteristics indicate Bavarian origin, most likely from an
unregistered smaller Porcelain Decorating Studio that purchased blanks from nearby factories and had them decorated for further distribution through Exporters and
other Trading companies.
This lovely pair of figurines was made or modeled by
JACOB PETIT, Paris, France, ca mid-19thC. Although Jacob Petit is well known for his exceptional
quality and attention to detail on larger pieces, his Figurines tend to be a bit more "free-flowing" and almost whimsical. The "JP" initials were most often
hand-scribed in blue and at times incised as on your items.
The style of your lovely Figural Group is very clearly that of Artists that worked at either
ESSEVI. The initials noted on
the piece match several Artists that had either MV or VM initials and because most Artists used similar techniques and decorative styles, it is very difficult to
determine the actual Modeler. Yours was made ca 1940s - 1960s.
This is a very nice hand-painted Porcelain Box with Hinged Lid and Brass edge finishes. The mark is an imitation of the very old
SCEAUX trademark,
which unfortunately has been copied and imitated for the last two or so centuries. Please use our
Sceaux to see some
examples, including some fakes. I believe your item was made in France, probably by some smaller Studio in Limoges or elsewhere, and was sold through Gift Ware
distributors or Dept. Stores. In our opinion, it dates ca 1960s - 1980s.
To use our huge database of Pottery & Porcelain marks, including marks on Ceramics of all types, please see our Ceramics Marks Identification service.
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