Chinese Carved Ivory Mystery Ballon
Chinese Carved Ivory Mystery Ballon stand 2 1/4'' diameter at least 8 inner balls dragon decor on figural stand 8 3/4'' tall overall excellent.
Chinese Carved Ivory Mystery Ball
Chinese Carved Ivory Mystery Ball elaborate dragon design with approx. 8 inner balls on figural pedestal 2 1/8'' ball plus a 6'' base excellent.
CHINESE CARVED PUZZLE BALL Elaborately carved ball, 3 1/2 in. Diam.
A Chinese ivory puzzle ball
A Chinese ivory puzzle ball deeply carved with dragons amongst clouds 3ins (76mm) diameter (slight damage) with stand carved with dragons 8.75ins (222mm) high
A Large Chinese Ivory Puzzle Ball
A Large Chinese Ivory Puzzle Ball and Stand the sphere having carving on the exterior of sinuous dragons the interior containing approximately 20 spheres raised on a stand containing a free-moving cylinder and with a figure at the base shown holding a lotus stem raised on a circular foot with fitted box. Height overall 17 1/2 inches; approximate diameter of ball 4 1/4 inches.
CHINESE IVORY CARVED BALLS OF MYSTERY (seven in graduated sizes) raised on figural fitted stand itself having three mystery balls on standard. Height 7''. Diameter of removable balls 2.25''. The carving is in good overall condition with light wear throughout but the bowl on top is somewhat loose and the treads damaged.
CHINESE CARVED PUZZLE BALL ON STANDCarved as a series of graduated balls, each within the outer larger sphere, the stand carved with geometric motifs. Height overall 8 in. (Cond: good)
TWO CHINESE IVORY CARVED BALLS OF MYSTERY multiple layers on each diameters 2.50'' and 2.25'' the first on short pedestal bowl the 2nd on 6'' pierced pedestal stand. The mystery balls have a few chips and one stand is missing the pedestal.
Chinese Carved Ivory Mystery Ball
Chinese Carved Ivory Mystery Ball on Stand dragon decorated 2'' ball with approximately 7 inner balls
A Chinese ivory six division puzzle
A Chinese ivory six division puzzle ball deeply carved with scrolled dragons 2.5ins diameter (65mm - damaged) with stand for same modelled with a standing figure 8ins (210mm) high
Pr. Chinese Carved Bone Spherical
Pr. Chinese Carved Bone Spherical BallsFinely carved to depict dragons chasing a flaming pearl amongst ruyi clouds with polychrome painted decoration throughout 5.125'' Diameter circa early 20th century.Private collection Wyandotte Michigan.
CHINESE CARVED PUZZLE BALL ON STAND19th Century. The stand carved as a female before a tree, supporting a post and a multitude of inside spheres. Height overall 12 in. Diameter of ball 3.25 in. (Cond: good)
Large Chinese carved ivory puzzle
Large Chinese carved ivory puzzle ball, carved with dragons, approx 29cm H
Chinese carved ivory puzzle ball
Chinese carved ivory puzzle ball 6 1/4" h. together with a carved tusk with wooden base 9 1/2" h. 14" w. ?
Six Cantonese carved ivory
Six Cantonese carved ivory objects including a concentric ball 19.5cm (5") diameter and a bodkin case 8.5cm (3.25") wide
A Chinese Ivory "Puzzle Ball" on
A Chinese Ivory "Puzzle Ball" on Figural Stand the ball's outer casing intricately carved with writhing dragons amid ruyi clouds the two inner balls pierced with geometric motifs raised on a sectional figural stand overall height 7 1/8 in.
A Chinese Carved Ivory Puzzle
A Chinese Carved Ivory Puzzle Ball together with two carved ivory figures. Height of puzzle ball overall 5 3/8 inches.
Chinese carved ivory puzzle ball
Chinese carved ivory puzzle ball and stand ball in form of intertwined dragons stand with dragon relief decorations and applied Hong Kong label underneath ball - 1 1/4 in. Diam. stand - 3 3/4 in. H. Estimate $ 125-200 Slight discoloraton.
CHINESE CARVED PUZZLE BALL ON STANDOf typical form, on a slender stand with turned post above a carved deity. Height 7.25 in. (Cond: stand with a split)
CHINESE DRAGON CARVED HARDSTONE PUZZLE BALLChinese carved light green hardstone puzzle ball, having seven layers, outer ring intricately carved with interlaced dragons, approx 3"diam, 0.50lbs
Chinese Hardstone Puzzle Ball
Chinese Hardstone Puzzle Ball Chinese.? A hardstone puzzle ball on ornately carved wooden?stand with dragon motifs?and shou symbols in reserves unmarked;?ball dia.?3.75 in.? Ex Collection C.M. Tsang Denver CO Condition: Damage to stand including one repair to dragon arm.
Chinese Carved Ivory Mystery Ball
Chinese Carved Ivory Mystery Ball on Stand dragon ball with inner layers figural stand with man 7 1/2'' tall 1 3/4'' ball excellent.
A CHINESE CARVED GREEN HARDSTONE BOWLA Chinese carved green hardstone bowlheight 4 3/4in (12cm); diameter 12in (30.5cm)
A carved Chinese jade disc
A carved Chinese jade disc approx. 5 cm diameter.
A Chinese ivory puzzle ball with
A Chinese ivory puzzle ball with numerous pierced inner balls (damaged) the exterior carved with flowerheads and leafage 1.75ins (44mm) and stand for same with pierced cylindrical base 6.125ins (154mm) high and a Chinese ivory framed miniature counting frame 3ins (78mm) x 1.5ins (38mm) overall (in pieces)
CHINESE CARVED IVORY PUZZLE BALL With multiple concentric filigree interior and carved with figures pagodas and trees on carved hardwood stand. On stand 9 3/4 in. 4 3/8 in. diam.
chinese Carved Ivory Mystery Ballon
chinese Carved Ivory Mystery Ballon stand 2 1/2'' ball with at least 8 inner balls dragon decor on stand with trio of elephants holding it up 6'' tall overall excellent.
Chinese Carved Ivory Puzzle Ball On
Chinese Carved Ivory Puzzle Ball On StandThe stand base finely carved to depict dragons body of the stand carved to depict villigers under an ancient tree the ball depicting dragons having many layers 6.75''H overall circa early 20th century.
CHINESE CARVED JADE BALL OPENWORK PENDANT14k gold mounted carved jade ball pendant. Measures about 7/8" diameter. Measures 3/4" high.
A Chinese Carved Amber Zodiac
A Chinese Carved Amber Zodiac Ball having raised decoration of each of the twelve animals. Height 3 1/2 inches.
A Chinese hardstone bowl carved
A Chinese hardstone bowl carved in relief with dragons. 10 cm dia.
* A Chinese Carved Ivory Puzzle
* A Chinese Carved Ivory Puzzle Ball on Stand the pierce carved sphere having no fewer than twelve interior spheres raised atop a stand with three elephants at the top with an additional puzzle ball in the stem and raised atop a pierce carved circular base. Height overall 14 inches; diameter of ball 4 inches.
Chinese Carved Ivory Puzzle
Chinese Carved Ivory Puzzle BallIntricatedly carved ivory puzzle ball 2'' Diameter with 5.75'' stand. Private collection Madison Heights MI.
An intricately carved Chinese ivory
An intricately carved Chinese ivory mystery ball on stand. Dragon motif each with black colored eyes. Sits on a ivory stand with a finely carved latticework decoration. Condition: small loss to base edge of stand scattered cracks and breaks to interior balls see images. Ball measures approximately 2'' across and on stand 7'' tall. Shipping weight .4 lbs.
CARVED JADE PUZZLE BALL: Carved Chinese 5- layer jade puzzle ball, having a stylized Dragon design. Approx. 3.25'' Dia.
CONDITION: No condition issues to be noted.
THREE CHINESE CARVED DECORATIVE ITEMSComprising a spherical puzzle ball on stand, a fu-dog on a wood base and a baluster shaped snuff bottle carved with fish amongst tall water grasses, on a wood stand. Heights 4.75 in., 4 in., 3.75 in., respectively (Cond: good)