SHARPS NEW MODEL 1863 CARBINEA Sharps New Model 1863 Carbine. 52 caliber, with a sling ring bar affixed to the left side, and without patchbox. Stamped "Sharps Rifle, Manufg. Co., Hartford, Conn., New Model 1863" along the smooth barrel, "C. Sharps Pat., Sept. 12th 1848" on the left side of the receiver, and "C. Sharps' Pat., Oct. 5th 1852/R. S. Lawrence Pat., April 12th 1859" on the other side. Serial #77380. Walnut stock. Some areas of minor wear. Barrel 22" long, 39" long overall. ESTIMATE $1,000-2,000
Some areas of minor wear.
SHARPS NEW MODEL 1863 CARBINE United StatesC. 1863-64.50-70 caliber, serial number 72363, walnut stock marked on the butt "76/F3C" for the 76th trooper, F company, 3rd Cavalry, and an inspectors cartouche on the left side near the saddle ring, right and left sides of the receiver marked with patent dates, the top of the barrel behind the sight marked "NEW MODEL 1863", with a tag mentioning an article about the gun in "Frontier Times" relating to the history of the gun, and a copy of "Frontier Times" magazine with the article. Note: This gun purportedly has a provenance to being found by a burial detail at the Little Big Horn battlefield. Three primers were fired and tested to see if they matched any from the Little Big Horn battle and the firing pin impressions didn't match known examples.
Sharps New Model 1863 Carbine .52
Sharps New Model 1863 Carbine .52 cal. 22'' round barrel S/N 71677. Marked New Model 1863 on the top of barrel. Walnut buttstock and forearm. Condition: Barrel is grey with some pitting scattered throughout. Receiver is a mottled grey with some pitting on the back of the tang. Buttstock and forearm have some nicks and dings.
SHARPS NEW MODEL 1863 CARBINE, .50 CAL A wonderful example of the most widely used calvary carbine of the U.S. Civil War with the Sharps company delivering over 77,000 carbines to the Ordnance Department throughout the conflict. The rifle features a round barrel with simple ladder and front blade sights, furnished with smooth walnut and a steel buttplate. The rifle also incorporates the Maynard tape primer device which, in theory, removed the need for manually re-capping the nipple for every shot, although in practice this proved less than reliable. The rifle is in overall good condition with only a few minor scratches to the metal and a small crack in the receiver tang adjacent to the front-most screw. Rifling is in excellent condition with only some minor frosting closer to the muzzle. No mechanical issues to be seen. S/N: C, 26223, Caliber: .50 BP, BBL: 22", OAL: 39"
CIVIL WAR SHARPS NEW MODEL 1863 CALVARY CARBINEC. Sharps new model 1863 carbine is a .52 caliber breech loading paper cartridge percussion firing saddle ring carbine rifle. It has a U.S. military inspection mark of 'H' on the barrel and two oval cartouche inspector marks 'TWK'. The 1863 model was produced from 1863 to 1865 and was used during the Civil War. Serial #C911353. The receiver is stamped 'C Sharp Pat. Sept. 12, 1848'. Measures 39" long and weighs 39 lbs. Exceptional condition with approximately 70% of the original finish and it is all original, please see photos. Contact AAG for more detailed information if needed. AAG is not responsible for any errors or omissions to any lots. All sales are final and sold as is. This lot cannot be shipped in house. For an instant guaranteed third party shipping quote through Quality Packing and Shipping visit: https://www.qualitypackship.com/abington-copy-1 or contact our other third party shippers.
Sharps New Model 1863 Carbine .52
Sharps New Model 1863 Carbine .52 cal. 22'' round barrel S/N 82677 on frame and also on the bottom of barrel under forearm. All of the primer system is intact. Walnut stock and forearm. Saddle ring missing from the saddle bar; missing front band. Condition: All metal is dark brown mixing with some pitting. Bore is poor. Wood is nicked and dinged and has very dark look. Shows use.
SHARPS PERCUSSION RIFLE. New Model 1863 Carbine 52 caliber 22'' round barrel flip up adjustable rear sight sling ring bar on left side walnut stock. S/n 72897 Bore is clean great rifling and strong action. All metal worn to a grey-steel patina. Wood shows very few marks. Does not have inspecter marking at wrist nor a patchbox. Does have Sharpes Rifle and New Model 1863 on barrel Lawrence patent on sight. Sharpes patent 1848 left side of frame 1852 and 1859 patents on right side lock plate. Small G C stamped at base of barrel. Writing on barrel is faded but legible clear everywhere else.
Sharps Model 1867 Carbine .50-70
Sharps Model 1867 Carbine .50-70 caliber 22'' round barrel with three land-and-groove rifling S/N 46337. Walnut buttstock and forearm. Condition: Barrel and frame have a nice brown patina with pitting. Bore will clean out to better. Buttstock and forearm have some nicks and dings.
Sharps Mdl. 1863 carbine rifle, .52
Sharps Mdl. 1863 carbine rifle, .52 caliber percussion, serial number C353953, 22 in. barrel; no permit required. Metal parts with scattered pitting, later surface restoration, stock probably reconditioned, slight chips and not well fitted at tang of lockplate.
SHARPS NEW MODEL 1863 MILITARY RIFLE United StatesC. 1863-64.52 caliber, serial number C.30196, walnut stock and forend with two cartouche marks on the left side, steel fittings and patch box, receiver marked on the right side "C. SHARPS' PAT/OCT 5TH 1852.", and "R.S. LAWRENCE PAT/APRIL 12TH 1859", left side marked "C.SHARPS' PAT./SEPT. 12TH 1848.", with an "R" near the barrel, top of the barrel marked near the breech "NEW MODEL 1863" with "E.P.R" on the left side, and marked on the top of the barrel in front of the sight "SHARPS RIFLE/MANUFG CO/HARTFORD CONN."
Sharps New Model 1863 Rifle .52
Sharps New Model 1863 Rifle .52 caliber 30'' round barrel s/n 44418 three barrel bands barrel number does not match the frame. Walnut stock and forearm. Condition: Barrel has turned to a brown. Frame is grey and has been cleaned. Wood has been cleaned and oiled over.
SHARPS NEW MODEL 1863 RIFLE W/ TARGET SIGHTS, .52 CAL An excellent example of one of the most legendary rifles of U.S. History. The rifle features a round barrel with simple ladder rear sight alongside a rear adjustable aperture with fully shrouded front post, furnished with smooth walnut and a steel buttplate with spring loaded patchbox. The rifle also incorporates the Maynard tape primer device which, in theory, removed the need for manually re-capping the nipple for every shot, although in practice this proved less than reliable. The rifle is in overall good condition with only a few minor dings to the wood furniture. Rifling is in excellent condition. No mechanical issues to be seen. S/N: 31629, Caliber: .52 BP, BBL: 29 1/2", OAL: 47"
Civil War Sharps Model 1853 Carbine
Civil War Sharps Model 1853 Carbine .52 cal. 21.5" round barrel S/N 11768.?Brass furniture walnut buttstock and forearm. Condition: Barrel and lock have uniform pitting and light brown patina.?Action is smooth and brown. Buttstock has a chip out of the toe. Forearm has nicks and dings.
SHARPS NEW MODEL 1859 .50-70
SHARPS NEW MODEL 1859 .50-70 CIVIL WAR CARBINESharps New Model 1859 Civil War Carbine, serial number C25823, converted by the Sharps Company in 1867 from percussion ignition to take the more modern center fire .50-70 Government cartridge. This was all on contract for the U.S. Government for reissue to western cavalry units for the Indian Wars. These desirable carbines have double history in them- first as primary Union cavalry weapons in the Civil War and then a few years later sent west to fight in the Indian Wars. Many of these were later sold off as surplus in the 1870s and saw use on the frontier as buffalo guns. The Texas Rangers were known to favor this model Sharps Carbine. This particular example has the desirable inspector cartouches in the left side of the butt stock- one under the sling ring bar and one in the center of the stock. This is an obvious indication that the stock has never been sanded or refinished. Further, it is especially interesting and historical as it shows evidence of sling carry wear on the left side of the stock (the light vertical rub mark) and the ring wear spot just above the ring bar which only issued and used carbines exhibit. The stock and forend show wonderful frontier use and wear, but no abuse. All wood is solid and the metal shows no evidence of abuse while retaining an attractive aged patina. There are good Sharps markings on various parts of the receiver with excellent mechanics. This fine carbine displays a bright bore with fine rifling throughout. This is a particularly desirable Sharps combining Civil War history with later Indian Wars usage and no doubt considerable civilian use on the frontier. Few cartridge conversion Sharps carbines display this kind of honest aged appearance plus retain their important original stock cartouches. You can’t find a gun with more history or appeal than this one! This firearm qualifies as an antique, and does not require FFL Transfer or NICS Background Check.*
SHARPS NEW MODEL 1863 SADDLE RING CARBINE United States.52 caliber, serial number 81991, walnut stock, steel fittings, marked on the right side of the receiver "C. SHARPS PAT./OCT. 5TH 1852", marked with what looks like light unit markings on the right side of the plate near the receiver block, barrel marked "NEW MODEL 1863", with a saddle bar and ring on the left side.
C. Sharps New Model 1875 Target
C. Sharps New Model 1875 Target Sporting RifleSerial number 85-241 a walnut stock with carved left side cheek rest and metal buttplate marbled blue steel receiver retains 98% true color with trap door reach load and rear target sights barrel measures 30'' shaping from octagon to round barrel with hooded front sights a very nice package with all original forms circa 2000-2004.
Sharps: 1853, breech-loading
Sharps: 1853, breech-loading carbine, .52 cal, 21 1/2" bbl, Hartford address so-called "John Brown Model" with brass patch box and barrel band, good plus overall, serial # 9645. Estimate $1,500-2,500
Sharps New Model 1859 Rifle .52
Sharps New Model 1859 Rifle .52 cal. 36'' barrel with saber bayonet attachment S/N 39069 three barrel bands. 600 total manufactured with 36'' barrel. Condition: Barrel is grey with some pitting and nicks. Action is grey mixing with some pitting. Forearm has been replaced. Buttstock has been cleaned is dark with two readable cartouches.
SHARPS CONVERSION CARBINE. New Model 1863 or 1865 (top barrel marking worn) .52 caliber 21'' round barrel no patchbox walnut stock with two cartouches. S/n 74433. One of the cartouches is ''DFC'' indicating that this was a government contract conversion to use breech-loading metallic cartridges done following the Civil War. Original finish and blueing stock with some dents and dings.
SHARPS NEW MODEL 1859 CARBINE, .52 CALIBERSharps New Model 1859 Carbine, .52 caliber, serial #80557 on tang. Iron mounts and patchbox, walnut stock, barrel marked "New Model 1859", the right side with "C. SHARPS' PAT OCT 5TH 1852", and the left with partial legible letters, "PAT 1848'". Walnut stock and forestock, metal frame, barrel, and butt. 3 groove barrel. Saddle ring bar and ring present. Converted post war from percussion to metallic cartridge. Barrel length - 22". Circa 1859-1866. (Higher-resolution photos are available at www.caseantiques.com)
Mechanically excellent. Metal smooth, light grey turning to brown. Wood dark with normal handling dings. Butt with 3 1/2" crack where it joins the frame. Bright bore.
Sharps New Model 1863 breechloading
Sharps New Model 1863 breechloading percussion Civil War saddle ring carbine serial number C-19486; .50-70 centerfire caliber dropping-block lever action marked ''NEW MODEL 1863'' on barrel ''R.S. LAWRENCE' PAT./APRIL 12th 1859'' behind the hammer ''C. SHARPS' PAT./OCT. 5th 1852'' on lockplate ''C.SHARPS' PAT/SEPT. 12th 1848'' on breech blued finish iron furniture straight-hand walnut stock with crescent iron buttplate. overall L22'' barrel L38 1/2'' Provenance: Tybee Island Georgia private collection. overall good: head broken off hammer screw wood sound with numerous handling marks and abrasion on left side of stock rear sight missing. Back   Inquiry    Previous Item  Next Item © Charlton Hall Auctions. Images descriptions and condition reports used on this site are original copyright material and are not to be reproduced without permission. For further information telephone 803.779.5678   © 2012 CHARLTON HALL GALLERIES INC.
Sharps New Model 1863 Sling Ring
Sharps New Model 1863 Sling Ring Carbine serial number C,18027, 22 in. barrel, converted to a .52-.70, Lawrence rear flip-up sight, right side of frame with R.S. Lawrence and Sharps patent markings, left side with Sharps patent markings, inspector cartouches, one at saddle ring "EF", ribbon cartouche "DFC",
Sharps: 1859, breech-loading
Sharps: 1859, breech-loading carbine, .52 cal, 22" bbl, conversion to centerfire, saddlering present, later inspected buttstock, no serial # visible. Estimate $1,000-1,250
Sharps Saddle Ring Carbine New
Sharps Saddle Ring Carbine New Model 1863 Saddle ring plate inscribed HDH. #96798.Dimensions: Overall L 39'' Barrel L 21 3/8''E
Sharps Model 1869 Saddle Ring
Sharps Model 1869 Saddle Ring Carbine&5 BulletsSn. CL126 50 Caliber 22'' Barrel elevated rear sight barrel marked New Model 1869 calibre 50 condtion barrel retains 50% of its originsl blue portion turning a rust brown reciever and trigger guard turning a deep grey stock and forearm in excellent condition retaining a nice deep dark patina includes five what appears to be original cartridges un fired. Private collection Southfield MI.
Sharps Rifle 50-70 Conversion Model
Sharps Rifle 50-70 Conversion Model 1883. #c24223.E
SHARPS MILITARY MODEL 1852 SLANT-BREECH CARBINE. Made by Robbins and Lawrence Windsor Vermont for Sharps Rifle Company. .52 caliber 21 1/2'' round barrel sling ring slide bar walnut stock. S/n 4523. Nicks and dings old finish on stock loss at butt light corrosion. Our consignor (the Hallock family) indicates that all of their guns are in working order but we cannot guarantee their functionality. It is marked Sharp's Rifle Manif. Co. Hartford Conn..
Sharp's Model 1852 carbine, .52
Sharp's Model 1852 carbine, .52 caliber, 21-1/2 in. barrel, serial number 6970; no permit required. Possibly reconditioned, patinated surface, stock with minor abrasions and dents. Private Collection
Sharps New Model 1859 Percussion
Sharps New Model 1859 Percussion Rifle .52 cal. 30'' round barrel marked New Model 1859 S/N 57679. Three barrel bands. Walnut buttstock with patchbox walnut forearm. Condition: All lines are very sharp and crisp. The barrel has a nice plum look; breechblock has some pitting. Frame and lock are very sharp and crisp with mottled patina. Patchbox buttplate and bands have an even dark brown patina. The serial numbers match on the barrel and frame. Wood has nice dark patina with open-grained look. Bore will clean to better.
Sharp's Mdl. 1863 carbine, serial
Sharp's Mdl. 1863 carbine, serial number C23310, .52 caliber (paper cartridge), 22 in. barrel; no permit required. Forearm with large repaired crack, metal parts probably all reblued, stock with old refinishing, several holes, minor dents, scratches. Private Collection.
SHARPS NEW MODEL 1859 .52 CA. CARBINE WITH BRASS PATCHBOX AND BUTTPLATE (BARREL MARKED)Sharps New Model 1859 .52 ca. Carbine with Brass Patchbox and Buttplate (barrel marked)
Sharps & Hankins: 1862, army type
Sharps & Hankins: 1862, army type carbine, .52 cal, 24" bbl, good condition and good working order, brass buttplate and brass star set into stock, rear sight replaced, serial # 2058. Estimate $800-1,200
SHARPS LATE-TYPE MODEL 1859 CARBINE United States.52-70 caliber, serial number 90730, walnut stock and forend with "DFC" ribbon on the left side of the butt, steel patch box, butt plate, and barrel band, marked on the lock with patent and address markings, with a sling bar and ring on the left side, and a brass adapted sight on the muzzle.
Sharp's Mdl. 1859 carbine, serial
Sharp's Mdl. 1859 carbine, serial number 66667, .52 caliber, 22 in. barrel, iron mounted including hinged patch box, stock with original inspector's cartouche; no permit required. Stock with holes and extensive dents and scratches, barrel probably reblued, receiver area cleaned to bright finish with overall light pitting. Private Collection.
Sharps & Hankins: 1862, short
Sharps & Hankins: 1862, short cavalry carbine, .52 cal, 19" bbl, scarce short barreled version, fitted with saddle ring and brass buttplate, folding rear sight, good working order and overall good plus condition, serial # 6501. Estimate $1,200-1,500
Sharps & Hankins: 1862, navy
Sharps & Hankins: 1862, navy carbine, .52 cal, 24" bbl, leather covered barrel, as ordered by the U.S. Navy, approx 80% remaining, good working condition and overall very good, brass butt plate, serial # 12342. Estimate $800-1,200