GEORGE WASHINGTON, THE GENTLEMAN'S MAGAZINE,1755 The Gentleman?s Magazine, 1755. An early mention of George Washington in a London magazine. A report, reading in part: "The poor men who suffered at the meadows with...
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FIVE ANTIQUE AMERICAN MAPSFive AntiqueAmerican Maps, incl. "Map of Oregon and Upper California..." 1848, Charles Preuss; "map of Connecticut Showing the System of Trunk Line Highways...", 1932; "Map of the Valley...
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3 KY & TN MAPS: VANCE, TANNER, JOHNSON1stitem: "Map of Kentucky and Tennessee Compiled from the Latest Authorities", drawn by D. H. Vance, engraved by J. H. Young, published by Anthony Finley, Philadelphia, 1826....
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KY AND TN 1823 MAP, H.S. TANNERMap ofKentucky and Tennessee, engraved by Henry S. Tanner and Assistants, published by Henry S. Tanner, Philadelphia, 1823. From "A New American Atlas " by Henry S. Tanner. Copper...
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TN MAP 1822, LUCAS, CAREY, & LEA"Geographical,Statistical, And Historical Map of Tennessee", drawn by Fielding Lucas, Jr., engraved by William Kneass, published by Henry C. Carey and Issac Lea, Philadelphia, 1822. From...
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2 FRAMED HISTORICAL MAPS, NORTH AMERICA& KENTUCKY, CAR...1st item: Geographical, Statistical & Historical map of North America, 1823, published by Henry Charles Carey (1793-1879) and Isaac Lea (1792-1886) Philadelphia,...
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AN ANTIQUE MAP, "WESTERN HALF OF TEXAS,"CHICAGO, CIRCA...AN ANTIQUE MAP, "Western Half Of Texas," CHICAGO, CIRCA 1889, color lithograph on paper, "Engraved Expressly for the Standard Atlas of the World," a page...
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AN ANTIQUE EARLY AMERICAN MAP, "MISSISSIPPIRIVER FROM ...AN ANTIQUE EARLY AMERICAN MAP, "Mississippi River from Iberville to Yazous," 1779, hand colored copper plate engraving on laid paper, "Published according to...
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AN ANTIQUE MAP, "THE WESTERN COAST OFLOUISIANA AND THE...AN ANTIQUE MAP, "The Western Coast of Louisiana and the Coast of New Leon," LONDON, CIRCA 1775, a hand colored engraving on paper, "By Thos. Jefferys,...
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A LATE MEXICAN-AMERICAN WAR ERA MAP,"MAPA DE LOS ESTAD... "Mapa de los Estados Unidos de Mejico, Revised Edition," JOHN DISTURNELL, NEW YORK,1848-1850, hand colored copper plate engraving on paper, the Gulf...
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RARE LARGE FORMAT MAP OF NEW YORK CITY,1876 BY MATTHEW...“Map of New York City South of 135th Street, Published by Matthew Dripps, 1876, 103 Fulton St.” , single sheet lithographic map with hand coloring, “showing...
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MAP OF "THE STATE OF MASSACHUSETTS FROMTHE BEST INFORM...Map of "The State of Massachusetts from the Best Information 1796" , hand colored copper engraving, published by J. Reid, New York from John Reid's American...
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TANNER - MAP OF NORTH AND SOUTH CAROLINA,1825Henry Schenk Tanner (American, 1786?1858), Map of North and South Carolina , Philadelphia, 1825, from A New American Atlas , in two sheets, engraving on wove paper with...
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EARLY UNITED STATES MAP: Early Americanmap by Charles Francois Delmarche (French, 1740-1811). Map of Etats-Unis dated 1785. Approx. 31'' l x 22'' l.
CONDITION: Foxing, scattered tears at margin, stains at bottom...
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EARLY UNITED STATES MAP: Early Americanmap by Charles Francois Delmarche (French, 1740-1811). Map of Etats-Unis dated 1785. Approx. 31'' l x 22'' l.
CONDITION: Foxing, scattered tears at margin, stains at bottom...
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THOMAS JEFFERYS, CARIBBEAN, CENTRALAMERICAN MAP Thomas Jefferys (British, died 1771). "An Index Map to the Following Sixteen Sheets Being a Compleat Chart of the West Indies" -1775, engraving with hand coloring...
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EARLY AMERICAN MAP OF NE COAST & ACADIAEarlyAmerican Map of Northeast Coast & Acadia - Continental Origin.
In Victorian Eastlake Style Frame.
13" H X 17" W...
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WORLD MAP, ANTIQUE STYLE FRAMED: 373/4 X 55 IN. (95.89 X 139.70 CM.)WORLD MAP, ANTIQUE STYLE, American Map Corporation Dimensions: Framed: 37 3/4 x 55 in. (95.89 x 139.70 cm.)...
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TWO ANTIQUE MAPS, VT AND BURLINGTON,VT. 1822 Map of VT from The Geographical American Atlas, framed for viewing from both sides, overall 23.75” x 27.5”; C.W. Gray 1874 map of Burlington VT, Overall 21.75”...
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FOUR AMERICAN MAPS, LATE 18TH/EARLY19TH CENTURY LARGEST: 8 1/4 X 15 1/2 IN. (21 X 39.4 CM.) 19TH CENTURY, [Maps and Atlases] including: Map of the Northern Parts of the United States of America, Abraham Bradley,...
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A large framed 1822 map of Delawareby cartographer Fielding Lucas, Jr., with a gallery label stating that it is from The American Atlas, published by Carey & Lea of Philadelphia that year, and stated to be...
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17 South American maps: atlas maps,plates, from Arnoldus Montanus, De Niuure en Obkende Weereld…, published by Jacob Neurs, Amsterdam, 1671, five maps and twelve views after Blaeu, Jansson, and others,...
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Jacob de Cordova (America 1808-1868)"J. De Cordova's Map of the State of Texas Compiled from the records of the General Land Office of the State by Robert Creuzbaur Revised & Corrected by Charles W. Pressler"...
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1822 Tanner map, North America, HenrySchenck Tanner, "A Map of North America", four engraved and hand-colored two-page sections, each about 23 x 30-3/4 in., from [A New American Atlas], Philadelphia, 1823, Southwest...
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FINLEY'S MAP OF THE MIDWEST. Map ofthe States of Ohio Indiana & Illinois and part of Michigan Territory from Anthony Finley's New American Atlas Philadelphia 1826. Imperfections. 17 1/2''h. 22''w. in...
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18th century map of North America, "AGeneral Map of North America Drawn from the Best Surveys", from American Atlas , published by John Reid, 1796, engraving on laid paper, page 16-1/2 x 19-3/8 in.; modern...
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Maple framed and matted early map ofPennsylvania by Samuel Lewis from 1795 Cary American Atlas (Phila.). 11.5"x18"...
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Two Georgia Maps American, 18th/19thcentury: "Georgia from the latest Authorities", by John Payne, published by John Low for Payne's New and Complete Universal Geography, New York, 1799, on laid paper, 8-1/4...
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*CAREY HENRY CHARLES AND ISAAC LEA AComplete Historical Chronological and Geographical American Atlas being a guide to the history of North and South America and the West Indies. Philadelphia: H.C. Carey and...
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18th century North Carolina map, "theState of North Carolina from the best Authorities", engraved by B. Tanner, published in John Reid's American Atlas , New York, 1796, engraving on laid paper, 14-1/2...
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John Melish (Scottish/American 1771-1822)"A Map of the Southern Section of the United States including the Floridas and Bahama Islands Shewing the Seat of War in that Department" drawn by John Melish engraved by...
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19th century map of Georgia, "Geographical,Statistical, and Historical Map of Georgia" by F. Lucas, Jr., showing early counties and territory boundaries surrounded by text, published in A Complete Historical,...
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Set of Three American Maps of PuertoRico, by various publishers, overall 31" x 33" and 20" x 26". Two examples glazed, matted and presented in parcel-gilt frames, the third lacking glass....
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Rare early maps: Washington D.C. PLANOF THE CITY OF WASHINGTON circa 1792 after Andrew Ellicot's plan marked: Thackara and Vallance fr. unframed plate size: H9'' W12''; Russell John. PLAN OF THE CITY OF WASHINGTON...
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MAP OF PENNSYLVANIA. Handcolored engravingon paper. ''Geographical Statistical and Historical Map of Pennsylvania '' No. 18 from Carey and Lea's 1822 A Complete Historical Chronological And Geographical American...
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